U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Planning and Development

Consolidated Plan Contact


Livonia's Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive document and functions as a planning tool for government units to meet their development goals when applying for Federal funds under the several formula grant programs offered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Action Plan

Citizen Participation

Elements of the Consolidated Plan were discussed at a public hearing in January 1995 where strategies, priorities and objectives were identified. No comments were identified that would cause changes to be made in the Plan. The final draft of the Consolidated Plan was published in the local newspaper for a 30-day comment period and another public hearing was held in March. Some concern was expressed about possible cuts in the CDBG funding for the 1995-96 program year but no comments resulted in changes in the Plan.


The Township of Livonia was incorporated into the City of Livonia in 1950 and consists of 36 square miles and a 1990 population of 100,850. This is a drop of 9% since the 1990 census. The City is primarily single-family oriented with the number of people over 60-years of age increasing from 70,000 to 20,000 between the 1970 and 1990 census.

The amount of vacant land has decreased by over 50% since 1980 with 96% of the housing stock single-family detached and 90% owner occupied.


Housing Market Conditions

With owner occupied units at nearly 90% of the total housing units, it is understandable that the vacancy rate of only .6% and a renter vacancy rate of 6.8%. Total housing units for the City of Livonia show that there are 35,916 housing units, over 98% of which are occupied by white and less than 2.0% occupied by minorities.

In terms of physical conditions, the vast majority of the housing units are in good condition but over 40% are over 30 years old. As the units get older there are increasing needs for repairs. At the present time less than 1.0% are considered substandard.

Homeless Needs

There are no homeless shelters in the City of Livonia but the Newburg Methodist Church in Livonia works in conjunction with the City's Department of Community Services to provide assistance for rental and mortgage services and property tax payments to the Wayne Family Center in Westland.

Public and Assisted Housing Needs

The City of Livonia Housing Commission owns and operates 391 housing units for the elderly and administers an additional 336 units while there are also an additional 146 units of privately owned subsidized elderly housing. These units have a combined waiting list of 1150 applicants and 766 units under lease for Section 8 Certificates or Vouchers with a waiting list of 3,000 applicants. All units are in good condition although additional improvements are planned in the 1995-96 CDBG Program. It is not anticipated that there will be a loss of existing inventory.

Barriers to Affordable Housing

The lack of available vacant land and the high cost of new housing are barriers to affordable housing in Livonia. Accordingly, there is very little or no opportunity to provide new affordable housing. However, the City, through the Housing Commission, will continue to aggressively pursue various means of funding in order to provide opportunities for low income families.

Lead-Based Paint

Through the Housing Rehabilitation Program, the City has developed a process for evaluating lead based paint hazards and taking action to eliminate the hazards. All applicants for housing rehabilitation are provided a copy of a pamphlet titled "Lead-Based Paint, A threat to Your Children". This pamphlet is furnished by HUD and explains what lead poisoning is, who gets it and where it comes from.

Community Development Needs

The City's CDBG Program has designated certain "Target Areas" where the very-low income persons live. In these "Target Areas" there is a need for neighborhood projects such as, street and sidewalk improvements, housing repair work and landscaping.


Housing and Community Development Objectives and Priorities

The five-year strategy is based on priority needs and are identified as:

Housing Priorities

The City of Livonia has established the following housing priorities:
  1. Small Related Households for renters.
  2. Large Related Households for renters.
  3. Elderly Households for renters, and
  4. Existing Homeowners.

Non-Housing Community Development Priorities

Anti-Poverty Strategy

The 1990 census indicates a total of 476 families with incomes below the poverty level representing 22% of the total and representing the largest single segment of the population. To address this need the City will expand the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program.

Coordination of Strategic Plan

Over the five year period covered by the Consolidated Plan, coordination of resources will continue to be the City's responsibility through allocation and oversight of the CDBG program and through the Housing Commission which will continue to administer and operate public housing. The City's Department of Community Resources will continue to provide services to the elderly and other low income persons and serve as the City's liaison between various other public service agencies.


Description of Key Projects


The lead agency, the City of Livonia Planning Department, is responsible for the overall coordination and monitoring of the several actions proposed to be taken as described by the Consolidated Plan. All non-CDBG program activities are carried out by various City departments which the lead agency is the constant contact with.


MAP 1 depicts points of interest in the jurisdiction

MAP 2 depicts points of interest and low-moderate income areas.

MAP 3 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and minority concentration levels.

MAP 4 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and unemployment levels.

MAP 5 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and proposed HUD funded projects.

MAP 6 depicts Neighborhood Segments and streets with proposed HUD funded projects; in addition, a table provides information about the project(s).

To comment on Livonia's Consolidated Plan, please contact:

Mr. H.G. Shane
Assistant Director
Planning Commission
City of Livonia
33000 Civic Center Drive
Livonia, MI 48152
PH: (313) 421-2000

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