The Charter Township of Redford is located in Wayne County, in Southwestern Michigan, immediately adjacent to Northwest Detroit. It is bordered by the City of Livonia on the West, the City of Southfield on the North and the City of Dearborn Heights on the South. The Township is approximately 11.25 square miles in area and rectangular in shape. Redford Township is completely landlocked by other municipalities, therefore no future expansion of the Township is possible.
Principally, Redford Township is a residential community, which has limited industrial development. This is concentrated mainly in an area bounded by Telegraph Road (U.S. 24), Plymouth Road (M-14), Interstate 96 Freeway and Inkster Road. The CSX Railroad parallels the I-96 Freeway. Most of the major commercial development is found along Telegraph Road, Plymouth Road and Grand River Avenue (M-5). Transportation access is excellent with a series of major mile roads, both east-west and north-south, complimenting the Telegraph Road and I-96 corridors which connect to the region.
The Redford Township Citizens Advisory Committee held public hearings throughout the months of November and December to receive suggestions, proposals and ideas for the use of funds for 1995.
The Consolidated Plan development process represents an opportunity to involve citizens and community groups in the process of assessing local housing needs, establishing strategic priorities and developing a plan to meet the identified housing goals. Consolidated Plan is a useful management tool that guides Redford Township's housing investment decisions.
Additionally, the Citizen's Advisory Committee notified the public that a draft Consolidated Plan for 1995-1999 was available for public examination and comment for thirty days. Copies of the document were available at various locations throughout the Township.
The Citizen's Advisory Committee determined the best use of the $1,175,000,
in Community Development Block Grant dollars, that the Charter Township of
Redford will receive.
Redford Township has utilized the 1990 U.S. Census data, thus allowing this document to reflects the most current needs of the community. According to the 1990 U.S. Census, 54,387 persons live in 20,123 households, within the Charter Township of Redford. The average number of persons per household is 2.68.
Income Levels
48 percent of the Township's population or 27,625 persons are between the ages of 18 and 64, this is considered the labor force of the community. 26,850 persons of the Redford labor force were employed in August, 1994, according to the Michigan Employment Security Commission, Bureau of Research and Statistics.
Four percent of Redford Township's families are below the poverty level and 2.9 percent of the households are below the poverty level, according to the 1990 U.S. Census Data.
Racial/Ethnic Poverty Levels
Redford Township is a homogenous community with slight variations of its racial/ethnic minorities and low income families.
Redford Township's minority population is highly educated, for a great majority of the population (75 percent or greater) has a high school diploma. Said population have varying percentages of Bachelor's degrees.
The minority population's educational background is reflected by the income breakdown of this population. The minorities of Redford have a high mean household income. The minority and the white household income means range from $36,274 to $62,366, with the black population at the top range of the income level.
Racial/Ethnic Concentrations
According to the 1990 U.S. Census tracts the minorities are not heavily concentrated in any one census tract. Census tract 5554 has the highest concentration of black individuals, totaling 199 persons.
The number of white residents in Redford Township is 53,342 individuals, or 98 percent. The 1990 U.S. Census shows that the black population is .7 percent of the total population or 379 individuals. The American Indians, Eskimos and Aleut represent .4 percent of Redford's total population or 199 persons. The Asian or Pacific Islanders account for .6 percent of the population or 311 persons.
The largest minority group in Redford Township is those of Hispanic origin, they represent 1.5 percent of the total population or 829 individuals. The Township also includes 156 persons classified as other, according to the 1990 U.S. Census.
Homeownership Rates
The Charter Township of Redford is unique in that it has one of the highest
percentages of owner-occupied housing units of all the municipalities in the
United States with a population over 50,000 persons. The housing units within
Redford Township are valued at $57,500 according to the 1990 U.S. Census. 67
percent of the dwelling units range between $50,000-$99,999 and 30 percent are
less than $50,000.
The Charter Township of Redford is an aging urban community. The municipality is landlocked and 99 percent developed. As a result, the Township concentrates its' efforts on revitalization programs and redevelopment.
The residents within the community are aging, 16 percent of the population is elderly. Redford has started to attract younger families to the community through its enhances park and recreation activities and the affordable housing stock.
There are 20,451 housing units in Redford Township, as identified by the 1990 U.S. Census; 93 percent are single family homes, 5 percent are multiple family units, and 2 percent are mobile homes. Approximately 7 percent of the housing units are occupied by renters; Of the 20,451 housing units only 328 are vacant.
The housing units within Redford Township are valued at $57,500 according to the 1990 U.S. Census. 67 percent of the dwelling units range between $50,000-$99,999 and 30 percent are less than $50,000.
The minorities are largely homeowners, within the community. All of the minorities have a 68 percent or greater rate of ownership, with 94 percent of the blacks and 78 percent of the Hispanics having the highest percentages.
Redford Township has 20,053 total occupied units, of which 2,004 are rental units. The median rent for Redford Township was $440.84 for a two bedroom rental unit. This information was based on the data from the Redford Township Housing Commission's Home Information Center.
A majority of the dwelling units in the rental market are single family homes, as mentioned, the bulk of the single family dwelling units were constructed before the 1960's. The rental stock is aged, however the units are in good condition.
Affordable Housing Needs
The Charter Township of Redford promotes opportunities for affordable housing ownership and preservation. The Township utilizes its Home Information Center (HIC) to offer assistance to the homebuyer or renter wishing to reside within the Township. Redford's HIC also assists with fair housing complaints and operates the Section 8 Rental Assistance program. The HIC also makes referrals to Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) programs.
Homeless Needs
Homelessness is a complex problem which requires an emergency response. The Redford Township Housing Commission works in conjunction with other agencies to help alleviate the problems associated with the homeless. Rental assistance is available to families, elderly, handicapped or disabled individuals who qualify as needing assistance in paying their rent.
Public and Assisted Housing Needs
The Redford Township Housing Commission is available to assist those needy families requiring housing. The Housing Commission currently has a waiting list of over 600 families. The Township has identified these households as fitting into a variety of categories. The bulk of the families are female headed households (85%). Twenty one percent of the households have identified a disability (physical, mental or developmental.)
Barriers To Affordable Housing
The Charter Township of Redford has reviewed the extent to which the cost or incentives to develop, maintain or improve affordable housing in the jurisdiction that are affected by State or local policies. There are many barriers to affordable housing that may increase the costs, act as disincentives to development, or create barriers to the production or maintenance of housing for low income families. The Township does not have any "barriers to affordable housing" within its jurisdiction.
Fair Housing
The Charter Township of Redford will continue to operate programs that do not discriminate against any person regardless of their race, age, marital status, gender or disability. The Home Information Center will assist any person that feels that they have been discriminated against in their pursue of locating housing.
Lead Based Paint
The Charter Township of Redford has taken a great strides to address lead based paint hazards before they can have a negative affect. Redford informs its renters and homeowners of these hazards when they come into the Home Information Center or the Housing Rehabilitation Department.
The Charter Township of Redford has utilized the 1995-1996 Community Development Block Grant dollars to address the needs as identified by the Citizen's Advisory Committee. The projects ranges from improvements to the infrastructure: sanitary sewer and special assessment paving to public services programs for the youths and seniors. See the section, I. Introduction, A. Action Plan.
The Community Development Department consults with a variety of agencies and
departments within the Township and the surrounding areas when formulating an
action plan. This process includes notification of adjacent communities of
future plans. Coordination ensures that services are not being duplicated by
like agencies. As well, it enables communities or departments to plan for
projects that might complement each another, thus, sharing enabling the
communities to share the cost or avoiding duplicity.
The preparation of Section I of the Consolidated Plan has provided Redford Township with a valuable overview of the Township's homeless and housing needs for the extremely low, very low, low and moderate income families and other individuals with special needs who require supportive services. The following priorities have been selected to best serve the needs of these individuals that have requested assistance from Redford Township.
GOAL 1: | Improve and preserve the existing affordable housing stock within Redford Township. |
GOAL 2: | Expand the availability of safe, decent, affordable and accessible rental housing for the low income households. |
GOAL 3: | Adjust housing assistance programs to ensure that priority is given to those individuals earmarked as "priorities" by the Federal government. |
GOAL 4: | Improve homeless assistance, to ensure the most effective steps are taken to assist this sector of the population. |
GOAL 5: | Continue to increase the supportive services and programs that are available within Redford Township. |
GOAL 6: | Assist homeless individuals and families with children. |
GOAL 7: | Assist non-homeless persons with special needs. |
The CDBG Advisory Committee focuses on the following objectives in order to determine the priorities in which to utilize Redford Township's Community Development Block Grant dollars.
The Charter Township of Redford has determined that it is a priority to preserve our affordable housing stock. The Township devotes approximately 30 percent of its CDBG dollars towards the rehabilitation of our housing stock.
Redford Township Housing Commission also assist the lowest income sector of community in finding safe, suitable and sanitary housing via the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program. This program enables over 360 families throughout the metropolitan area.
Redford Township seeks input from the citizen's within the community to determine the most appropriate means of utilizing its CDBG dollars. The culmination of the public hearing and meetings results in the Action Plan.
The Township attempts to meet the aforerefenced objectives by allocating dollars for a wide range of projects. See section, V. One Year Action Plan, for more information.
Redford Township will continue to address the goals, programs and policies for reducing the number of households with incomes below the poverty line, by providing meaningful projects and services.
The Home Information Center (HIC) operates the Section 8 Rental Assistance program, which assists the very low and low income persons in maintaining an affordable, safe and sanitary rental unit. The Charter Township of Redford currently has about 360 families on the Certificate and/or Housing Voucher program.
As the Redford Township Housing Commission's program participants turn towards the Family Self-Sufficiency Program, the greater their opportunity move away from dependency and reliance on the government. The Family Self-Sufficiency Program identifies supportive services for the recipient of the Housing Certificate or Voucher.
The Housing Rehabilitation program offers assistance to those low income families, to secure a grant, grant/loan or loan to maintain the quality of their single family home. The Community Development Department has allocated more resources towards this program, due to the popularity of it.
Redford Township has a strong relationship with the State, local and private agencies and institutions; This relationship assists the municipality in implementing its strategy over the reporting period.
The Home Information Center makes referrals to MSHDA for Single Family Loans, Mortgage Credit Certificates and NIP/HIP. The Township has also established a working relationship with Wayne County Shelter, First Step and other like agencies in an attempt to best service those requesting housing assistance from our Home Information Center.
Redford Township coordinates its affordable and supportive housing strategy
with a variety of non-profit and for-profit agencies to assist our citizens.
These groups include shelters, banks, surrounding communities and etc. Said
organizations have provided input towards the initial development of the Five
Year Consolidated Plan.
The following is a description of the key activities in which the Charter Township of Redford selected for Year XXI, 1995-1996. The key projects will also site the location, lead agency and housing goals.
The following activities have been selected for our Year XXI, 1995-1996:
ADA Public Facility Modifications | $ 10,000 |
Seven Mile Water Main Extension | $ 230,000 |
Parks Improvements | $ 40,000 |
Parks Barrier-Free | $ 33,000 |
Special Assessment Street Paving | $ 5,000 |
Neighborhood Watch/REEP | $ 30,000 |
Supplement Youth Services | $ 52,000 |
Recreation Program for Americans with Disabilities | $ 23,000 |
Senior Ride Program | $ 60,000 |
Housing Rehabilitation | $ 350,660 |
Code Enforcement | $ 80,000 |
General Administration/Planning | $ 249,434 |
Contingencies | $ 1,906 |
SUB TOTAL | $ 1,175,000 |
Housing Rehabilitation | $ 59,454 |
Neighborhood Economic Revitalization | $ 12,716 |
GRAND TOTAL | $ 1,247,170 |
MAP 2 depicts points of interest and low-moderate income areas.
MAP 3 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and minority concentration levels.
MAP 4 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and unemployment levels.
MAP 5 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, unemployment levels, and proposed HUD funded projects.
MAP 6 depicts Neighborhood Segments and streets with proposed HUD funded projects for North End selected projects.
MAP 7 depicts Neighborhood Segments and streets with proposed HUD funded projects for Center Area selected projects.
MAP 8 depicts Neighborhood Segments and streets with proposed HUD funded projects for South Area selected projects.
TABLE (without associated map) provides information about the project(s).
Rochelle Katz
Community Development Department
Township of Redford
PH: (313) 531-3110