U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Planning and Development

Consolidated Plan Contact


This summary contains the community development component of the consolidated plan for Gresham, Oregon. The housing component is found in the consolidated plan for Multnomah County, Oregon. The Multnomah County plan was prepared by the Multnomah County consortium which is made up of Gresham, Multnomah County and Portland representatives. A plan typically contains a description of conditions, needs and resources available. It also identifies the strategy which will be used in employing the resources. The specific actions are identified in both long range (5 year) and 1 year programs.

Citizen Participation

See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan for a description of specific hearings and workshops held to obtain citizens' contributions to the plan. Gresham has also established the Community Development and Housing Committee. Its members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Council. It holds monthly regular meetings which are open to the public as well as special public hearings and discusses needed changes to the plan and related activities and makes recommendations to the Council about the selection and funding of community development programs.


The City of Gresham is located east of Portland in Multnomah County. Gresham's geographic area has grown from two square miles in the 1950's to nearly 22 square miles today. This growth reflects a community character which has changed from rural, small town atmosphere to a fast growing suburban city which serves as the focal point of east Multnomah County. The Gresham area economy is dependent upon Portland as the hub of regional economic activity. Much of the work force commutes daily to job sites outside Gresham. Such reliance on outside Gresham jobs may be reduced as the local employment base continues to expand in the future.



The median household income in 1989 was $31,833 and household size 2.62 persons and the median age is 32.2 years. Fifty- five percent of the civilian work force are in "white collar" occupations. In 1990, only 4.4% of its employable age work force was unemployed. While overall the city's population profile is one of an employed middle or upper middle income family, there are areas of town which have significant concentrations of lower income households. It is to those sub- populations and areas that much of the assistance is focused.

Housing Needs

The housing stock is relatively young, with 84.6% (22,831) units built after 1960. See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan for a further description of housing needs in and around Gresham.

Housing Market Conditions

The cost of owning or renting housing in Gresham is significantly greater than in Portland or the rest of Multnomah County. The cost of housing places a great burden on the low and very low income households in Gresham.

Affordable Housing Needs

See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan.

Homeless Needs

See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan.

Public and Assisted Housing Needs

See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan.

Barriers to Affordable Housing

See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan.

Fair Housing

See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan

Lead-Based Paint

Due to the fact that most of the homes in Gresham have been built since 1960, lead based paint is not a severe problem. See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan for further description of activities available.

Community Development Needs

Public works improvement and community facility needs include community and service centers for neighborhoods and special groups such as Hispanic and elderly populations, Head Start Centers and the retrofitting of traffic lights to flash red when an emergency vehicle approaches, improving streets and sidewalks in certain areas, improving and constructing parks and playgrounds and providing recreational opportunities as a deterrent to crime. Public service needs are addressed with programs such as housing vouchers, fair housing education, job training, and dental services, which are focused on low and very low income persons. Economic development needs all address strengthening the local economy so that jobs can be created. The activities used to address the needs include training low income workers, rehabilitation of store fronts in selected neighborhoods, etc.


See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan.


There are 3 main goals:

Housing and Community Development Objectives and Priorities

See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan.

Housing Priorities

See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan.

Non-Housing Community Development Priorities

Anti-Poverty Strategy

See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan.

Housing and Community Development Resources

HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) .....$701,000.

HUD Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) ......$272,172.

Coordination of Strategic Plan

Gresham is a grantor, manager and monitor of projects. Many of its projects are carried out by non- profits. See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan for a detailed identification of the relative parts Multnomah County, the consortium, The City of Portland and the City of Gresham play in the planning and administration of the specific programs/ projects.


Description of Key Projects

Public improvement/community facilities$70,000
Housing rehabilitation and development$403,875
Sewer on site$147,210
Public service$121,480
Economic development$49,070
Handicapped accessibility$14,020


Citywide and in targeted areas.

Lead Agencies

See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan.

Housing Goals

See the Multnomah County Consolidated Plan.


MAP 1 depicts points of interest in the jurisdiction

MAP 2 depicts points of interest and low-moderate income areas.

MAP 3 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and minority concentration levels.

MAP 4 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and unemployment levels.

MAP 5 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, unemployment levels, and proposed HUD funded projects.

TABLE (without associated map) provides information about the project(s).

To comment on Gresham's Consolidated Plan, please contact:

Peter Van Christierson
Housing/CDBG Planner
Community and Economic Development Department
1333 Nw. Eastman Parkway
Gresham, OR 97030-3825

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