U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Planning and Development

Consolidated Plan Contact


The Municipality of Bayamon is Puerto Rico's second largest municipality in terms of population, and is widely known by its outstanding public facilities and services. The suburban sprawl brought with it the most famous private medical center in the Caribbean, five of the top rated private universities of the island and a vast economy based in retail, manufacturing, construction and personal services. In the near future, will serve as the West end of the Urban Train initiative. The Hon. Ramón Luis Rivera has been the Mayor of Bayamon for the past 20 years.

Action Plan

The Municipality of Bayamon's Consolidated Plan is the tool that will steer its integral efforts to provide housing and community development during the period of 1995-98. It includes a One-Year Action Plan which delineates the expenditure of a consolidated allocation of $8,602,000 of CDBG, HOME and ESG funds for the 1995 Program Year.

Citizen Participation

The Planning Office was responsible for initiating formal consultation with public and private organizations and individuals concerned with the issues addressed in the Consolidated Plan. It held two public hearings in order to receive input from individuals and nonprofit organizations regarding identified needs. These hearings were held after being properly announced in advance in two newspapers, one of general circulation and a local one.


Bayamon is the second most populated municipality in the Greater San Juan Metropolitan Area, as well as of Puerto Rico. Its population in 1990 was 220,262, an increase of 11% from 1980, where 13% of its population was 60 years or older and the median family income was $26,900.



In 1990 there were 67,770 housing units available of which 90% were occupied. There were 2,270 housing units with rehabilitation needs while 1,227 were not suitable for rehabilitation.

Housing Needs

The major housing needs identified in the Consolidated Plan are:

  1. the increasing number of new families that are unable to buy their own home,
  2. the increasing demand for subsidized rental housing; and
  3. the need for housing and a continuum of care program for the homeless population.

The 1990 Census reflected that 13% of the population is 60 years or older thus creating an increase in demand for nonexisting housing for the elderly.

Most of the existing housing units of 20 or more years old are not designed or equipped to meet the needs of the handicapped persons which represent 12.28% of the Bayamon population. There is a lack of accessible housing and services for this segment of the population.

Housing Market Conditions

The housing stock of the Municipality of Bayamon totaled 67,770 housing units in 1990. There were 60,993 (90%) occupied units, 15,858 (26%) occupied by renters and 43,915 (72%) occupied by owners. Of the 4,904 vacant units, 1,232 were available for rent while 753 were listed for sale.

A recent study conducted by the Municipality indicates that the cost of housing ranges from $60,000 to $160,000. There is a 12% demand for housing units above $160,000.

Affordable Housing Needs

The main barriers for affordable housing in Bayamon are the high cost of housing development and the income limitation of the household.

For low-to moderate-income households there is a projected housing demand for 5,000 for the next three years.

Households owners or renters with incomes at or below 50% of MFI (50% of all households) have the greatest housing cost burden. They need rental assistance and affordable housing options. Owners need rehabilitation assistance. Low income first time homebuyers need downpayment assistance, credit counseling and home maintenance training.

Homeless Needs

Public and Assisted Housing Needs

A little more than one third (38.5%) of the rental housing stock is subsidized. There are over 6,700 housing units with some type of government assistance. Of these 6,700 units, approximately, 1,500 are administered directly by the city. The waiting list for subsidized housing was 4,369 persons.

There are 21 public housing projects with 2,710 housing units with a variety of needs.

Special needs services includes assistance for the homeless, for the elderly, the handicapped and HIV Positive and AIDS patients.

Barriers to Affordable Housing

The high cost of construction and the lack of land are the most critical barriers for the development of affordable housing in Bayamon.

The income limitation of the households. A 64.4% of households homeowners falls below the 80% of the family median income and 85.5% of the renters are within this category.

Fair Housing

The City lacks consolidated information on fair housing complaints. It has contracted a consultant to assist in the compilation of pertinent data. A preliminary report on this issue states that no such discrimination is being enforced within the City limits.

Lead-Based Paint

Lead-based paint have been identified in 266 of the 6,700 assisted housing units. The affected areas are kitchens, bathrooms and door frames.

Community Development Needs

Community development needs includes infrastructure improvements, betterment of public facilities, accessibility facilities for the handicapped population and the promotion of economic development initiatives through the establishment of microenterprises and commercial endeavors.


Housing and Community Development Objectives and Priorities

Housing problems are primarily related to the lack of a housing supply and the increasing demand for affordable housing. Housing development objectives focus on assisting households in obtaining adequate housing. Community development objectives are to revitalize residential and neighborhood commercial areas, remove blight in the residential or business districts and to provide economic development opportunities for low and moderate-income families.

Housing Priorities

Homeownership through a Family Self-Sufficiency Program, downpayment assistance, homeless alleviation by concentrating on preventive services where participants receive assistance to pay for utilities, rent or mortgage to avoideviction, foreclosure or termination of the utilities, nutritional services for the homeless, rehabilitation of the blighted areas, including title to their land, and linkage of non-homeless persons with special needs with supportive services in non-housing areas.

Non-Housing Community Development Priorities

Public facilities improvements, infrastructure improvements and public services provision.

Anti-Poverty Strategy

A multi level effort with the business sector, community nonprofit organizations and the State and Federal agencies to develop effective programs to deal with educational needs and the development of new business opportunities is in order to create jobs and to provide affordable housing.

Housing and Community Development Resources

City, State and Federal programs along with private funds and initiatives provide multiple or varied services to the community. The primary Federal resources include CDBG, HOME, ESG and Section 8 funds. The organizations that provide assisted housing are the City, the Puerto Rico Housing Department, the Puerto Rico Housing and Finance Corporation, 202 Housing Projects, the Public Housing Administration, HODAG Projects, the Office for the Liquidation of CRUV and Cooperative Housing.

Funds directed to meet the housing needs for the persons with AIDS are received through the Municipality of San Juan, which is the eligible applicant for the San Juan metropolitan statistical area (EMSA).

Coordination of Strategic Plan

The Planning Office is responsible for the Consolidated Plan activities, but a variety of public and private organizations are involved in administering the plan components.


Description of Key Projects

The One-Year Action Plan outlines the proposed use of $8.6 million in CDBG, HOME, and ESG funds and $413,000 under the HOPWA program.. These funds will be spent mainly on an array of housing activities, including:


Most of the projects in the One-Year Plan are dedicated to acquisition, relocation payments concerning housing for specific below poverty level areas, sports and recreation and community service programs linked directly with densely populated residential areas to improve the quality of life.

Housing Goals

Goals for the first year include the increase of the supply of affordable housing for 198 households through rehabilitation, acquisition, new construction and first time homebuyer assistance programs. Elimination of two slum and blight communities through the acquisition, demolition, relocation, rehabilitation and/or new housing construction of 600 low and very low income families.

Other non-housing projects include: development of a sports and recreational program for about 5,000 youth residents for public housing and low income communities, development of an educational program on handcraft and manual activities to be carried out in low income community centers.


MAP 1 depicts points of interest in the jurisdiction. Pepin Cestero Basketball Court is part of Rafael Martínez Nadal complex.

MAP 2 depicts points of interest and low-moderate income areas.

MAP 3 depicts points of interest, low-moderate income areas, and unemployment levels.

TABLE (without associated map) provides information about the project(s).

To comment on Bayamon's Consolidated Plan, please contact:
Jose A. Fernandez
Director, Office of Planning
Municipality of Bayamon
(809) 787-0451

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