HUD's Hammer Award Winners
Greater New York City VA Consortium on Homeless Veterans
Team Contact:
Name: Henrietta Fishman
Phone/Fax/Email: 718-298-8505
Address: St. Albans Domiciliary Care Program,
Linden Blvd. & 179 St.
City: St. Albans
State: New York
Zip Code: 11425
Brief Description
The VA Consortium on Homeless Veterans, in collaboration with city, state and other federal agencies as
well as formerly homeless veterans and veterans service organizations in committed to planning and
integrating services in the New York City urban area for homeless veterans. Together this team maximizes
their creativity to broker and leverage al available resources for providing the highest quality and a
seamless continuum of care. For example, the Consortium developed and implemented a quique
partnership to provide outreach, case management and prevocational and job placement services,
comprehensive medical, mental health and rehabilitation care and permanent housing for chronically and
mentally ill homeless veterans. Another partnership provides for dental treatment by the New York
University Dental School. The Consortium includes seven VA medical centers (Brooklyn, Bronx,
Montrose, East Orange, Northport and Lyons) and the New York VA Vet Center and the VA Regional
benefits office. They work on teams with staff from an array of agencies, including HUD, the Department
of Labor, the Social Security Administration and the New York State Office of Mental Health to reduce
duplication of services and community-based organizations. The Consortium is expanding and will
become the Greater New York/New Jersey Consortium on Homeless Veterans.
Agency Contact: Sandy Sauls, (202) 273-5043, (202) 273-5993
NPR Contact: Jerry Nikolaus, phone (202) 632-0150, fax (202) 632-0390, email
Date of Award: 09/14/95
Location: New York City
Award Presenter: FEA/FEB New York, Elaine Kamarck