Congressional Justifications for 1998 Budget Estimates

Contract Renewal Estimates Fiscal Year 1999

Fiscal Year 1999 Units Average Cost Term Funding Requirements
New Construction/Substanial Rehabilitation:
    Above Market:
      Regularly Scheduled Expirations:
        Insured Renewed at Current Rents
14,085 $9,824 1 $138,371,040
        Insured Renewed at Market as Project-Based
58,379 4,581 1 267,434,199
        Insured Renewed at Market as Tenant-Based
10,387 5,047 1 52,423,189
      Pre Proactivity
        Insured Renewed at Market as Project-Based
89,484 4,581 1 409,926,204
        Insured Renewed at Market as Tenant-Based
15,706 5,047 1 79,268,182
    Below Market:
      Regularly Scheduled Expirations:
        Insured Renewed at Current Rents
9,207 6,688 1 61,569,728
      Pre Proactivity
        Insured Renewed at Current Rents
15,081 6,688 1 100,861,728
        1996-1997 Renewed at Market
10,000 4,381 1 43,810,000
        Section 202/8 Renewed at Current Rents
14,822 5,472 1 81,105,984
        Non-Insured OTHER Renewed at Current Rents
10,065 7,559 1 76,081,335
        Non-Insured FmHA Renewed at Current Rents
12,504 4,753 1 59,431,512
Loan Management Set-Aside:
    Above Market:
      Regularly Scheduled Expirations:
        Insured Renewed at Current Rents
10,957 5,640 1 61,797,480
        Insured Renewed at Market as Project-Based
86,142 4,640 1 399,698,880
        Insured Renewed at Market as Tenant-Based
23,198 4,900 1 113,670,200
    Below Market:
      Regularly Scheduled Expirations:
        Insured Renewed at Current Rents
254,361 3,431 1 872,712,591
        Section 202/8 Renewed at Current Rents
7,140 2,226 1 15,893,640
        Non-insured at Current Rents
3,387 3,409 1 11,546,283
Property Disposition:
    Above Market
      Regularly Scheduled Expirations:
        Insured Renewed at Current Rents
465 5,640 1 2,622,600
        Insured Renewed at Market as Project-Based
4,361 4,851 1 19,977,741
        Insured Renewed at Market as Tenant-Based
981 5,047 1 4,951,107
    Below Market:
      Regularly Scheduled Expirations:
        Insured Renewed at Current Rents
10,784 6,688 1 72,123,392
        Non-Insured Renewed at Current Rents
8,578 5,081 1 43,584,818
Preservation - Repayment:
        1996-1999 Preservation Expirations
24,865 4,900 1 121,838,500
Disabled Vouchers:
        Renewal of 1997 and Subsequent Production
8,502 5,475 1 46,548,450
Housing Tenant Protection 69,516 7,409 1 489,044,044
Certificates 1,043,759 6,552 1 6,838,760,308
Vouchers 324,525 6,552 1 2,126,287,800
Moderate Rehabilitation 57,825 6,552 1 378,869,400
Family Self Sufficiency Coordinators NA NA 1 24,624,000
Allowance for Contingencies NA NA 1 186,878,350
Fiscal Year 1999 Total 2,199,066 NA NA 13,201,712,685


Content Archived: January 20, 2009