Message from the Secretary |
I. A Two-Step Strategy |
A. Step 1: Close the Competence Gap |
B. Step 2: Close the Opportunity Gap |
II. Jobs and Economic Opportunity |
A. Community Empowerment Fund |
B. Welfare-to-Work Vouchers |
C. Empowerment Zones |
D. Community Development Block Grants |
E. Regional Connections Initiatives |
F. Brownfields |
G. Youthbuild |
III. Homeownership and Housing |
A. Continuing the Growth of Homeownership |
1. Higher FHA Loan Limits |
2. HOME Bank: Leveraging the Home Program |
3. Homeownership Zones |
4. Homeownership Empowerment Vouchers |
5. Housing Counseling |
6. Officer Next Door |
7. Lead Hazard Reduction |
8. Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation |
9. Fair Housing |
B. Affordable Housing |
1. Homeless Assistance Grants |
2. Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) |
3. Section 8 Assistance |
4. HUD's Investments in Public Housing |
5. Tenant Choice in the Section 8 Program |
6. Native American Housing Block Grant |
7. Housing for the Elderly and Disabled |
8. Low Income Housing Tax Credit |
IV. Program Reforms and Improvements |
A. Property Disposition Reform |
B. Repealing Unnecessary HUD Programs |
C. Section 8 Savings Proposals |