FY 1998 SuperNOFA Guidebook

How to Use the Guide

The User's Guide is divided into four parts.

  • Part I, "Understanding HUD's SuperNOFAs," explains what SuperNOFAs are and the concept behind using them. It includes tables listing the SuperNOFA competitive grant programs by category and by applicant type. It also details the differences in the funding notification, application, and selection processes that result from the use of SuperNOFAs.
  • Part II, "HUD's Major Non-Competitive Programs," provides information on HUD's major formula-based programs and Section 8 contract renewals which account for a large majority of the funding that HUD provides to grantees each year. This information presents the larger context within which HUD's competitive grant programs operate.
  • Part III, "Coordinating HUD Programs," discusses the different types of program coordination that HUD is trying to encourage through the use of SuperNOFAs. It provides examples to stimulate applicants' thinking about ways to improve program coordination. It also discusses the Consolidated Plan and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice�two tools that assist communities in planning how to allocate resources provided by HUD.
  • Part IV, "Descriptions of Programs Included in the SuperNOFAs," provides information on the competitive grant programs being announced in the SuperNOFAs. It also provides information on special competitive programs which are not included in the SuperNOFAs.

A copy of the User's Guide is also available through HUD's homepage. The Web site also contains the SuperNOFAs and additional information on HUD programs and program offices.

Content Archived: July 18, 2012