FY 1998 SuperNOFA Guidebook

Applications for Multiple Programs

One of HUD's objectives in using the SuperNOFA process is to minimize the time spent by applicants on filling out grant applications. Over time we want to provide applicants with one application that can be used to apply for as few as one, or as many as all, of the programs for which they are eligible. As a step towards this goal, for FY98 HUD has combined several individual programs into categories based upon the purposes of the programs. Each group of programs has its own application kit containing the application information and materials for each of the programs within that group. If an applicant is eligible for, and chooses to apply for, more than one grant program in a particular group, it will be able to use parts of one application to fulfill certain requirements of a related program's application. In addition, the applicant will only need to fill out certain standard forms and certifications once to fulfill the requirements of all the programs for which it is applying.

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Content Archived: July 19, 2012