FY 2010 NOFA
Special Needs Assistance Program Technical Assistance (SNAPS-TA)
The original posting of the SNAPS TA NOFA had an due date on page
11 of November 18th, this page within the NOFA has been corrected
to reflect the correct due date of November 22, 2010. NOTE: the
Facsimile Transmittal on Grants.gov contained in the Mandatory forms
(HUD96011, Third Party Documentation Facsimile Transmittal Form)"
should be used as the cover page to transmit documents and other
information designed for each specific application. HUD will not
be able to match faxes to an application if the application does
not contain the Facsimile Transmittal form as the cover page for
each fax sent.
Notice: The eLogic Model is not required for applicants.
Awardees will be required to submit an eLogic Model.
Homeless Technical Assistance
- General
- Program
#: 14.261
- Funding
Opportunity No: FR-5415-N-31A
- Opportunity
Title: McKinney-Vento Homeless Technical Assistance
Competition ID: McVHTA-31A
- Open
Date: October 20, 2010
- Close
Date: November 22, 2010
- Contact
Applicants may contact Holly
Kelly, Acting Director, Office of Technical Assistance, HUD
Headquarters, by phone at (202) 402-6324. Persons with hearing
and speech challenges may access the above numbers via TTY (text
telephone) by calling the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339
(this is a toll-free number).
- Apply
Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) TA
- General
- Program
#: 14.262
- Funding
Opportunity No: FR-5415-N-31B
- Opportunity
Title: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program
Competition ID: HPRP-31B
- Open
Date: October 20, 2010
- Close
Date: November 22, 2010
- Contact
Applicants may contact Holly
Kelly, Acting Director, Office of Technical Assistance, HUD
Headquarters, by phone at (202) 402-6324. Persons with hearing
and speech challenges may access the above numbers via TTY (text
telephone) by calling the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339
(this is a toll-free number).
- Apply
to the Funds Available page
Content Archived: January 25, 2011