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2000 Best Practice Awards

Best of the Best Winner: Arkansas

Best Practice: Renaissance of a Public Housing Project, Ragon Homes

City Renovates Ragon Homes

Fort Smith, Arkansas. With a population of approximately 80,000, Fort Smith is the second largest city in Arkansas and affordable housing developments are in short supply. One development, Ragon Homes, was a crime-infested haven of drug dealers and gangs. The vacancy rate was about 50 percent and it was hardly a healthy environment in which to live and raise families. Determined to change this environment, the Fort Smith Housing Authority and the City of Fort Smith worked in concert to eliminate crime, renovate the physical plant, provide residents with opportunities to improve their quality of life and establish an atmosphere that would

Photo of recipients receiving award from Secretary Cuomo & Deputy Secretary Ramirez
Recipients receiving Best of the Best award from Secretary Cuomo (l) and Deputy Secretary Ramirez (r)
allow families to grow and thrive in the project. Initiatives included computer and Internet training, GED tutoring, resident-operated business enterprises, parenting classes, youth programs, drug counseling, resident patrols, and Headstart. Ragon Homes was transformed into a development that offered its residents a decent quality of life in a family atmosphere and real opportunities to become contributing, self-sufficient citizens. As a result, occupancy runs between 98 and 100 percent.

Contact: Charles Blevins, Phone: (501) 324-6375
Tracking Number: 256
Winning Category: Program (Community Builder)

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Content Archived: April 20, 2011

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