2000 Best Practice Awards
Best of the Best Winners: Montana
Best Practice: Montana Preservation Project
Statewide-Montana. The Montana Preservation Project was able to ensure that
eight affordable housing rental complexes (410 units) in western Montana
were preserved for lower-income families and elderly persons. Everyone involvedthe
sellers, buyers, communities and residentsis happy with the outcome.
The apartment complexes were sold to nonprofit
sponsors to preserve their affordability. One of the eight complexes was
transferred separately using tax credits, CDBG, HOME and affordable housing
funds. The most significant element of the packaging of the remaining
seven |

Bruce Brendsal receiving Best of the Best
award from Secretary Cuomo (l) and Deputy Secretary Ramirez (r) |
complexes is the maintenance of the Section
236 interest reduction payment by dropping the FHA insurance and moving
the mortgage into a risk-share first-position mortgage. The purchase
and $3.6 million in rehabilitation were financed by $9.2 million in first
mortgages, $4.16 million in tax credit proceeds, $2.9 million in second
mortgages, $1.43 million from the Federal Home Loan Bank and $111,000 in
seller-held paper.
This project is the direct result of the expiration
of HUDs preservation program since sales pending between for-profit
owners and not-for-profit buyers were not finalized at the time of the expiration.
These complexes were then at risk of having their rents raised, which would
have removed them from the affordable housing inventory. The residents of
the apartment complexes were worried that they would be forced to move as
their homes were taken off the Section 8 program. The communities and the
state were concerned that the affordable housing units would be lost.
The Montana Preservation Project creatively
responded to the challenge by working for state legislation that would have
the state taking an interest risk position. The success of the project required
that the State Board of Housing buy the outstanding mortgages and subordinate
that debt. Success also required establishing trust between partners that
had not previously worked together, simultaneous closing of seven projects
with the loan purchase, funding the risk share, funding the tax credits
and disbursing the FHLB funds. One of the complexes required federal legislation
to permit pulling it out of a GNMA security without losing the 236 subsidy.
Similar projects can be undertaken throughout
the country by taking the following five steps:
- Identify a nonprofit purchaser
- Negotiate the price with the owner
- Identify a tax credit partner
- Work with the State Finance Agency
- Negotiate 236 interest reduction payments
with HUD.
Contact: Mr. Bruce E. Brensdal, Phone: (406)444-3040
Tracking Number: 89
Winning Category: Geographic and Program (Housing - Multifamily) |
Best Practice: Montana Homeownership
Montana Homeownership Network Helps Families Purchase Homes
Helena, Montana. Neighborhood Housing
Services (NHS) of Great Falls, Montana, is the point organization for funneling
resources for a statewide rural housing collaborative. The collaborative
provides financial and education assistance to combat the states dire
housing situation. In 1995 36 families were helped into their own homes.
This number increased to 91 families in 1997, 134 in 1998, and more than
doubled in 1999 to 339 families assisted. NHS reached this number despite
running out of down payment dollars for rural areas twice during 1999.
Montana ranks 47th in median income for four-person
families by state as of 1997, having slipped from 40th position in 1995.
There are more than 70,000 substandard housing units throughout the state.
An economic and demographic analysis prepared by the Montana Department
of Commerce indicated that 15.6 percent of the population is below the poverty
line and that the rate is rising. More than 90 percent of the state land
is considered rural. Housing costs, both rental and home purchase, are exceeding
the populations financial capacity.
In 1986, the NHS began working with local
lenders and realtors to put families into homes as a neighborhood revitalization
strategy. Realtors found the buyers, and NHS obtained a portion of the 6
percent mortgage funds from the Montana Board of Housing, the states finance
agency. Local lenders then packaged the mortgages.
In recent years, NHS has added down payment
assistance from various grants as well as homebuyer education. The Montana
Board of Housing (MBOH), the states finance agency, a major partner
in all
of the NHS programs, has provided more than
$19 million to NHS in set-asides of 30-year first mortgages at a 6 percent
annual interest rate. HUD would then insure the mortgage with its FHA single-family
loan product.
Neighborhood Reinvestment provided $35,000
to NHS for the down payments and the Montana Board of Housing provided 6
percent, 30-year FHA mortgages. These funds assisted 14 families to buy
homes. This program was so successful that the State RC&D Associations
board of directors asked that the NHS phase in the other six RC&D Areas
for a similar project. This has been done, two by two, and the last two
RC&Ds are just beginning to market their programs.
One other organization that has brought great
strength and knowledge to the partnership is Montanas Rural Housing
Services (RHS). RHS operates a loan leveraged program with the Montana Board
of Housing (MBOH), in which MBOH takes the first half of a first mortgage
loan at 6 percent with a down payment and a guaranteed loan program
takes the other half with no down payment and interest rates as low as 1
percent.FHA insures the mortgage, which results in loans with annual percentage
rates as low as 3 percent to 4 percent, depending on income.
Of particular note is that RHS has put together
a way to lend on American Indian Reservations. A project currently in mid-stream
is the move and rehabilitation of 15 homes from Malmstrom Air Force Base
in Great Falls to the Fort Belknap Reservation. The North Central Montana
RC&D has provided the prospective buyers with homebuyer education. NHS
will provide the capital for the down payment assistance and RHS will make
the first mortgage loans.
Since the Great Falls NHS began its homeownership
promotion program, more than 1,000 lower income families have been helped
to buy homes; and NHS has closed $19 million in MBOH/FHA loans and $2 million
in RD first mortgages. In addition, more than $18.5 million first mortgage
loans have been leveraged by the NHS Lender Pool Loan fund for second mortgages
for unbankable families over 80 percent of median income in the Great Falls
The Rural Home Loan Partnership, Rural Housing
Services and Neighborhood Reinvestment has recognized the collaborative
for its low-cost operations and high productivity. In Neighborhood Reinvestments
second five-year Campaign for Homeownership after 21 months, the comparatively
small NHS of Great Falls entered into a partnership with the very large
Chicago NHS. The program helped many families realize their dream of homeownership
with an amazingly simple process for reaching buyers in rural areas.
Contact: Lyle Konkol, Phone: (406) 449-5047
Tracking Number: 362
Winning Category: Program (Community Planning and Development)
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Practices 2000 Best of the Best Winners
Content Archived: April 20, 2011 |