Omaha, Nebraska. Reverend Jeremiah McGhee, a pastor from the Mount Sinai Baptist
Church in Omaha, Nebraska, developed the New Creations Transitional Housing
Program, which provides housing and treats the chronically addicted homeless.
To date, the program has resulted in 33 families moving to permanent housing,
creation of 28 units of transitional housing and reduced calls to police
reporting criminal activity.
The need for transitional housing was intense,
says McGhee. As we did our work, we continued to meet individuals
who were |

Mike Saklar (c) receiving Best of the Best
award from Secretary Cuomo (l) and Deputy Secretary Ramirez (r) |
unemployed, who lacked an adequate education
and who were, in many instances, chronically addicted to alcohol and drugs,
he says. In addition, and to further complicate things, many were
homeless. So we set out to help these people, to help them find work and
treatment and, in the end, decent, affordable housing for themselves and
their families.
To be admitted to the program, clients must
complete a short-term substance abuse treatment regimen and demonstrate
at least 90 days of sobriety, in addition to being employed or actively
seeking employment. To remain in the program, clients must attend peer
group meetings as well as individual and group therapy sessions and remain
employed. In conjunction with the Siena/Francis House and the Omaha Area
Continuum of Care for the Homeless, a host of other services are provided
for program participants. These include extensive and multifaceted chemical
dependency counseling, job preparation and training, transportation and
medical services, child care services, dispute resolution, domestic abuse
counseling and independent living opportunities.
Although New Creations exists to help homeless
individuals and families make the difficult transition from emergency shelters
to permanent housing, its particular focus is on those homeless individuals
who have a long history of drug and alcohol abuse. Prior to the establishment
of New Creations, the Omaha area lacked a transitional housing facility
devoted to this sub-population of the homeless. New Creations provides a
therapeutic community anchored to case management and counseling for chemical
dependency. The program gives individuals the opportunity to be reunited
with their families, maintain their sobriety and continue their progress
toward self-sufficiency and permanent housing.
Caseworkers work with residents to set goals
regarding job training, education, income and personal growth. Each individuals
goals are tracked through weekly target sessions with peer support groups
or the individual residents caseworker. Under the direction of a program
director for chemical dependency recovery, the program takes a holistic
approach to help each person achieve his or her full potential.
Contact: Mike Saklar, Phone: (402) 444-5170
Tracking Number: 921
Winning Category: Geographic |