2000 Best Practice Awards
Remarks by Secretary Andrew Cuomo
Thursday, August 10, 2000
Thank you very much. Good morning. Boy, first of all, what a video. Wasn't
that video great?
I want to acknowledge the Deputy Secretary
Saul Ramirez. You got a small taste of how good this deputy is. He is something
else. He's the quarterback of the team. Saul Ramirez.
When we began HUD and reinventing HUD four
years ago, there were a lot of people who wanted to see HUD fail, because
to see HUD fail is to say that all the hopes and aspirations that so many
of you have worked so hard for, that we couldn't actually do these things.
And we would not let them say that. We wouldn't let them say that for HUD;
we wouldn't let them say that for you. We put together what I believe is
the best HUD team in history.
When they say what did I do right as the Secretary
of Housing and Urban Development, I got the best people ever in the Department
of Housing and Urban Development, and they are the team who's there now.
I would just ask them to stand. You've been working with them all week long.
The Assistant Secretary for Public Housing,
Harold Lucas.
The Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Cardell
Assistant Secretary for Housing and the FHA Commissioner, the Commish,
Bill Apgar.
Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, Susan Wachter.
And the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing, Eva Plaza.
Let me make a couple of points, if I might.
I know you've had a great week, and you've really been sharing the experiences
among each other, which is the greatest benefit of this conference, because
you are the experts in this room. The more you can share amongst yourselves
the lessons, that's the best that we can do. That's what the conference
was all about, getting you to talk and share from other, and that has happened,
and now we're going to recognize the best. But a few points, if I might
make, just because this is too important a convening to let the moment pass.
You are leaders in your community. You heard
from Tom Wheeler. And the essence of leadership is to do what is needed
at that time. And we are at a very interesting time in this nation, and
you need a moment to almost step back and reflect on where we are, because
on one hand, you have a great story of economic success in this nation,
unprecedented economic success. You turn on any television, you open any
newspaper, and you will hear -- you will be deluged with the message that
this nation is doing great. Stock market hits new high. Dow Jones higher
than ever before. 22 million new jobs. Crime down, unemployment down, poverty
down, interest rates down. More millionaires than ever. That's the story
of America today. That's the snapshot.
But at the same time, there is another snapshot.
It's not as obvious on the nightly news, it's not as obvious in the newspaper,
but it is the picture of America that you see every day. It is just as real
a picture of America. Maybe we're not publicizing it the same way, but it
is just as real, just as powerful: 5.4 million Americans need affordable
housing, the highest number of Americans who need affordable housing in
history is today.
We're consuming 7,000 acres of green space
per week, literally consuming the planet. We have one out of five children
living in poverty today, the same number that we had back in the '60s.
We have an education system which is really
moving to two education systems. Education was the great equalizer in our
society, right? It said no matter where you were, you could go to a public
school and you could get the best education and wind up being whatever you
wanted to be. But now you get the real feel that we're moving to two education
systems, one for the rich, one for the poor. One is the private education
system, one is the public education system. You can go to any city in this
nation and you can walk into a school on the rich side of town and they'll
bring you to the first grade, and in the first grade, they're on the Internet.
You go to a school on the poor side of town; they don't even have a basketball
net. You go to the private school, the rich school, and the youngsters on
Pentium processors, using the best computers. You go to the poor side of
town, the most sophisticated piece of electronic equipment is the metal
detector that you walk through on the way to the classroom.
That is also a picture of this America. As
you come to this conference today, you still walk past brothers and sisters
who are homeless on the streets of America: 600,000. Two very different
pictures, both correct, both right, but both need to be viewed in light
of the other.
That's what you do, and our message has been
simple: Let's now take this moment and address the other America, address
those problems. I know we tried to do it in the past, and I know many would
say we failed to do it in the past. I would say we never really tried. But
our approach was very simple. We will tell the truth about the issue, and
then we will fashion a pragmatic solution.
So we looked at public housing, Assistant
Secretary Harold Lukas, and we told the truth about public housing. The
truth about public housing was that most public housing in the nation was
a success, first of all. You can't condemn all of public housing. It is
an overwhelming success.
Ninety-seven to ninety-eight percent of the
public housing was a success. We said, "We will prove it to you. We
will go out and we will do inspections of the public housing, and we will
come back with the reports, because we have nothing to hide."
We did that, and we now documented the success
story of public housing in this nation, and it is a story that we should
be proud of, and I challenge anyone to come up with any government program
for anyone poor or rich, by the way, that has the success rate of public
housing, because you can't match it.
The truth is, where public housing didn't
work, it was not the fault of the public housing administrator or the residents;
it was a bad implementation of a good idea. Where the public housing didn't
work, it tends to be the same lesson over and over again. We concentrated
too many people on one side of town, they were isolated, they were separated,
they were segregated, and then they were abandoned. And when you do that,
don't be surprised when the public housing fails, because it should have
failed. It was a bad intent that said, "Let's take the poor people,
put them on the other side of town, and then let's make sure they can't
come here. Maybe we'll even put a highway between them and us; we'll put
up a wall between them and us; but we want to make sure they stay over there
and we're going to stay over here."
It didn't work. The Chicago Housing Authority
was the greatest manifestation of this. Of the 15 poorest census tracts
in the United States, 12 of the 15 are in the Chicago Housing Authority.
Four and a half miles of high-rises, the State Street corridor. Building
after building after building. Then a highway between the housing authority
and the rest of the city. This went on for 40 years. Finally, thanks to
President Bill Clinton, after 40 years, it's all coming down. It's all coming
That is the story of public housing. Our solution
was to tell the truth and then address it, and that's the Hope VI Program,
and it's working all across this country, taking down the high-rises, taking
down the institutions and building communities of opportunity, bringing
people together and not separating them and not segregating them, and giving
them the support services they need to make the transition. Not just willing
them from welfare to work, but working with them and giving the services
they need to get from welfare to work, because no one wanted to be on welfare;
they always wanted to be working, but we need to provide the services to
do it. That's the public housing of today, and that's your story, and you
should be proud of it.
Community planning and development: The economic
development effort is the same thing. We told the truth, and then we came
up with a practical solution. We said, when it comes to economic development,
yes, the nation overall is doing great. But there are a lot of people and
a lot of places left behind, and let's now go back and invest in those people
and places left behind, and then we'll bring everybody up, not to pull down
those who are high, but to raise up those on the bottom for a greater success
for all of us. That's what our economic development efforts have been all
And it was a moderate approach, because you
had an extreme conservative approach that said, look, if the private sector
passes by an area, well, then that area is gone, because the lord of the
private sector, the god of the private sector, determined that that area
should be a failing area. So there is nothing that we should do about it,
because who are we to fool with the will of the god of the private sector?
And if the private sector is not working in a community, then so be it.
The extreme position on the other side was,
well, if the private sector is not working there, government will come in
and government will bring in its own economy in those areas, and we'll come
in with our AFDC and our food stamps and our housing assistance and we'll
provide a government-sponsored economy. Neither extreme worked.
The truth is, when the private sector doesn't
go there, we shouldn't just write off that area; we should work with the
private sector to go into that community, provide the incentives to bring
in the private sector, provide the infrastructure to bring in the private
sector. That's Empowerment Zones, that's the 108 Loan Program, that's the
EDI Program, Economic Development Initiative, providing the incentives to
bring the conference into a community. Not doing it without the private
sector, but making the private sector work, create the jobs, create the
tax base, and then that community take care of itself. That's our economic
development efforts, and it's working across this country. We just need
to do more of it.
Green space: Of course we're consuming too
much land. Of course we need sustainable development. We've put together
regional approaches like we've never had before. Brownfields cleanup, redevelop
the cities, is the answer to consuming more and more land in the green areas.
We told the truth about the problem of the
homeless. It's not just a housing problem. Sometimes it's a housing plus
problem, housing plus a mental health problem, housing plus a domestic-violence
problem, housing plus an alcohol problem, a substance-abuse problem.
That was the truth. But as soon as you say
the truth, you say, "Good; now what we need to do is fashion an approach
that treats that individual holistically, comprehensively, and gives them
everything they need."
We call it the continuum of care. The Kennedy
School at Harvard recognized it. It was common sense. It's what the providers
in this room have been doing from day one. It just took the federal government
a little ways to get there. But we're serving more homeless than ever before.
When we started the homeless, the budget was about $300 million. It's now
up to about $1.2 billion, thanks to President Bill Clinton, and we're proud
of it.
We told the truth about discrimination in
this country. However painful, however sobering, that discrimination is
not just a memory of the '60s or the '50s, but it's alive and well in America
today. And that until you tell the truth, until you face the problem, you
are condemned to live with it forever.
Racism is an issue and discrimination is an
issue. We still judge too many people on the color of their skin rather
than the content of their character, and we have to say as a nation, we
will not tolerate it.
As good as we are at enforcing the laws, and
we enforce our laws with a pride and a zeal, as we should, enforce the laws
that say it's illegal to discriminate. You have the fair housing law on
the books. Martin Luther King died so that you had that law one week after
his death. Enforce the law. As the HUD Secretary, one of the proudest accomplishments
I have is that we will have done two times -- we will have doubled the enforcement
actions under the fair housing law and said to this nation, if you're thinking
about discriminating, think again, because it's not wrong, it's illegal,
and we will prosecute those laws to the fullest extent, and that's a message
we have to bring home every day.
My last point is this. We are in the business
of housing and community development. That's what we do. I am the HUD Secretary,
the housing secretary. You are housers. You are community-based organizations.
You are local elected officials. But I don't really think of myself as a
houser, and I don't think of you as just housers. Don't get me wrong; that
is an admirable profession.
But I think housing is really a means to an
end at the same time. Yes, we are about housing and we are about community
development, but we're about something else and something bigger. I say
to the people at HUD, if I had my way we would rename HUD and we would name
it the Department of Justice. Now, we'd have a problem, because there's
a building down the block that thinks it's the Department of Justice. So
we'd have to rename that building also at the same time, and we'd have to
rename the other building the Department of Criminal Justice, because that's
really what that building is. Then we could be the department of the broader
form of justice, social justice, racial justice, and economic justice, because
that concept of justice is just as real.
Because that's really what we do at HUD. That's
really what you do. The Department of Justice, social justice, that says
as long as you have homeless human beings on the street and you have your
brothers and sisters on the street, don't call yourself a just society.
As long as discrimination is still alive and well, don't call yourself a
just society. As long as you have the greatest income inequality in 30 years,
don't call yourself a just society. I don't care how many people you lock
up, that doesn't make you a just people and a just society. That doesn't
make you fair and right. The fact that you have more people in your prisons
than any other industrialized nation on the globe doesn't make you a just
society unless you are socially just and racially just and economically
That's what these programs really do. We don't
run programs: We stand for principle. We're not about building with bricks
and mortar; we're about building with hopes and dreams. That's what we are
about. We're not about the number of units, but the amount of unity. That's
what's behind all of these programs.
The greatest philosophers, the greatest politicians,
the greatest religious leaders all had the same message to us over and over
and over again, which is that the strongest four-letter word is still love,
and the greatest, the greatest we can be, is when we are compassionate,
and that community is the goal, that doing all of this together is the goal.
Raising us all together is the goal.
That's the job that we work in. The programs
are a way to get there. But the banner is so much higher than just the programs
The American people have been with us. They
always have believed what we have sought to do. They didn't always know
that we could do it. They didn't know that we could be a just society, that
we could actually bring people together, that we could actually lift people
out of poverty, that we could actually end discrimination. They didn't know
that we could do it, but they wanted so badly for us to do it. They wanted
to believe that we could do it, because that's what we were supposed to
be about. That's what we all learned we were supposed to be about in this
nation, and that's what we could do as Americans. We somehow lost our way
and they said, "We can't even try anymore because we tried and we failed."
But what you have said to them all, day in and day out, is "We haven't
failed at all." We know how to do this. We can do it better than ever
before, and we can raise us all. When you raise our cause, you raise us
Now is the time to do it. You have added the one element that we needed.
You have shown the American people that we can do these things.
Now when you go back to your community, you
say to your community, look, you know we've had these issues. You know you've
had these problems. You wondered if whether or not we can do it. Well, we
proved that we can. We can actually address these issues, and now is the
time in this nation to do it. You have the strongest economy in history.
The deficits are gone. You have a surplus. Why don't you have the intelligence
to invest in the people and the places left behind and let us do what we
know how to do the way we can do it?
We have the models. We have the models all
across the country. That's what you've done by giving us the best practices.
We can do the affordable housing. We can rebuild public housing. We can
bring more people into home ownership. We can fight racism day in and day
out. We can take a homeless human being off the street and give them their
life back. Just give us the funds and the support to do more of it, because
we know we can.
That was the ingredient that you brought,
the belief that it is possible, that we can dream once again, that we can
aspire to be better, that we can reach a higher place as Americans. You
made it so sweet to know that we can actually do these things, because in
our soul, we've wanted to do them for so long.
Now we can say to this nation, you think this
is success? My friends, you haven't seen anything yet. Don't talk to me
about your stock market. Don't talk to me about how rich you are as a nation
now. Imagine, when we bring those people who have been left out to the table,
how strong we're going to be.
Imagine when we go to public housing and we
take those young people and we take them out of those institutions and we
liberate their talents and their abilities and their skills and we bring
them to the table as a contributing member, imagine how strong we're going
to be.
When we go to that Pine Ridge Indian Reservation,
73 percent unemployed, and we make it 73 percent employed, and we bring
our Native American brothers and sisters to the table, imagine how strong
we're going to be.
When we go back to those old urban areas that
have seen decay and we make the engines of recovery with more jobs and more
taxes paid, imagine how strong we're going to be.
And imagine how sweet it's going to be to
say that we took this entire nation to a higher place and we truly vindicated
the promise of this country: Opportunity for all, {IOn}e pluribus unum{IOff}.
That was the founding premise of the nation, and it's the enduring promise:
"Out of many, one."
That's what you have made possible. Thank
you for doing it. Thank you for letting us be part of it.