2000 Best Practice Awards
"Local" Winners: Flint Area Office
2000- 692 Lakeside Village Saginaw
Lakeside Village is a HUD insured 100% section
8 property located in Saginaw MI. The project was insured under section
221(d)4 of the National Housing Act. The project has 200 units which include
an elderly building and townhouses.
2000-232 Gun Buy-Back
Flint, Michigan
Contact: Christopher Gill (810) 736-3050
Flint Housing Commission recently held its
first gun buy back since 1998. The buy back was held over 2 days, Saturday
April 29, 2000, and Monday, May 1, 2000, at 2 different public housing
complexes and 2 fire stations. Included in the gun buy back was a buy back
for toy guns. In exchange for the toy guns, gift certificates to a local
fast food restaurant were given.
2000-2929 Bay City Housing Commission
Bay City, Michigan
Contact: Douglas Rise (517) 892-9581
Riverbanks Neighborhood Townhomes is an example
of how public investment can be used to spur the rejuvenation of an established
urban neighborhood. The project specifically addressed the exterior facade
improvements and related site work for twenty-nine existing scattered site
duplex and single family public housing units. "Neo traditional"
architectural forms and detailing were introduced as a means of visually
connecting the homes to their surrounding historical neighborhood. The
results exceeded all expectations.
2000-3031 Community Partners
Flint, Michigan
Contact: Tracy B. Atkinson (517) 372-6001
The Community Partners in Action project
was born out of the need to develop community programs that increased parents
and K-12 students value and access to education. The Community Partners
in Action project is committed to include all stakeholders from the community
and is assisted by an advisory team that consists of, K-12 administrators,
University of Michigan administrators, block club coalition members and
community members the Community Partners Advisory Committee.
The Community Partners in Action group consists
of The Parent Advocacy group which works to voice concerns and increase
parental/residential involvement with the educational process in their
community. In addition to educational involvement, parents and residents
maintain a community database that showcased community resources including
community development projects, small business, person service enterprises,
mentors, and churches.
The Community Partners in Action Advisory
Group sought to create University of Michigan-community school projects
that develop into academic service learning courses. University of Michigans
education majors have participated in special classroom projects for K-12
students in an on-going basis.
2000-1603 Legal Services of Eastern Michigan
(LSEM) Flint/Genesee County Fair Housing Center
Flint, Michigan
Contact: Edward J. Hoort (810) 234-2621
Legal Services of Eastern Michigan not only
provides legal services to the low-income, but also heads the Flint/Genesee
County Fair Housing Center in Flint Michigan. The Analysis of Impediments
for the Flint/Genesee County Partnership, authored by Dr. Joe Darden of
Michigan State University, identified that there was a need for a fair
housing center in the Flint area. Initially, LSEM applied to the Mott Foundation
in Flint, MI. They now receive funds from a grant in 1998. The City of
Flint and Genesee county are now assuming the funding for the program.
This is the first time that the Flint area has had a comprehensive fair
housing program. LSEM also has satellite offices in Saginaw, Michigan and
a sister agency, Center for Civil Justice.
2000-2293 Third Annual Flint Area Conference
on Small Business
Flint, Michigan
Contact: Bobby Wells (810) 239-5847
The "Conference on Small Business"
is an event designed to bring first hand information to minority and women
business owners and prospective start-ups. The program consisted of the
following topics: Customer Service; Doing Business with HUD & Section
3; Business planning; Packaging a Loan Proposal; Starting a Business; Contract
Bidding and Business Certification as a MBE. Several of the participants
have started the process of starting their own business. Approximately
2 have and are looking into doing business under section 3. Approximately
10 who were already in business received information that they said was
2000-2748 Mission of Peace Homeownership
Flint, Michigan
Contact: Elmira S. Vincent (810) 232-0104
Mission of Peace (MOP) has a "one stop"
center for potential homebuyers. They have realtors, counselors, lenders
and a car-buying club all in one place. It is the first of its kind in
our area.
2000-2813 Flint HUD Office Lunch and Learn
Flint, Michigan
Contact: James N. Sutton (810) 766-5108
The Lunch and Learn Forum features guest
speakers who discuss topics that have relevance to HUD and its partners.
The forums are open to the public and the Flint Area Office makes a concerted
effort to bring in as many groups as possible (e.g., fair housing advocates,
community-base organizations, private sector partners, etc). The forums
have ranged in size from 20 to over 100 people and are held in the HUD
2000-2824 Flint Human Relations Commission/Public
Education and Outreach
Flint, Michigan
Contact: Cleora Magee (810) 766-7430
HRC established a Fair Housing Committee
to ensure service, delivery and to promote Fair Housing. The Mission of
the Fair Housing Committee is to facilitate and promote neighborhood harmony,
to ensure that Federal and Michigan Statutes relating to equal housing
opportunities are enforced, and to provide activities which increase the
education and awareness of the Fair Housing Law. Flint housing has been
historically segregated and large sections of the city continue remain
isolated and segregated. To address these segregated housing patterns the
racial steering in that was taking place in Genesee County, the HRC has
served as the focal point for all fair housing activities occurring within
the Greater Flint area.
2000-2880 Fair Housing Fair Lending and
Analysis to Impediments to Fair Housing
Flint, Michigan
Contact: James N. Sutton (810) 766-5108
The project was a seminar that included the
following elements:
- In the analysis of impediments to fair housing,
racial barrier is the most resistant and the most important barrier that
must be overcome if fair housing is to be a reality in Genesee County.
The second barrier is handicap status, followed by income, family status,
age, sexual orientation, and transportation.
- Speakers discussed current developments
in fair housing and fair lending law and practice, including the Analysis
of Impediments to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing, which is required
of HUD entitlement communities.
- The program is of particular interest to
every person who is concerned about eliminating discriminatory practices
in housing, lending, and community planning and development.
2000-108 SEDC small Business Lending Program
The Saginaw Economic Development Corporation
(SEDC) is an economic development nonprofit that carries out small business
lending with CDBG funds. CDBG funds are leveraged at a 3 to 1 ratio. SEDC
lends money to businesses for startups, equipment, inventory, and real
estate. Job creation is a primary goal of the agency. 72 full time low/moderate
income jobs have been created in the last five years. Business counseling
is also provided and seminars are conducted every six weeks.
A variety of longevity tracking is maintained
for jobs, loan servicing and business monitoring. Logs are maintained to
track job creation. A complete loan servicing software program is also
used to track loans. Annual monitoring of each business is also conducted
to track business prospects, check on collateral, check sales, check licenses
and so on.
2000-2840 Untangling the Funding Jungle
Lansing, Michigan
Contact: Christine Helbig (517) 759-1541
Rural Housing and Service Development Workshop
for Community Faith-based Non Profits and Community Action Agencies Workshop
for those in the faith-based and non-profit organizations looking to develop
or acquire housing, or homeless service programs for their communities.
2000-1259 Saginaw New HOME Construction
Saginaw, Michigan
Contact: Robert T. Brown (517) 759-1530
A track built subdivision of new single family
homes is being built in the city. It is the first track built subdivision
in forty years. There is a tremendous need for new construction in the
City of Saginaw. For two decades the city has been demolishing 100 +/-
homes per year, which has resulted in thousands of vacant lots. In the
prior decade only one or two new homes per year were being built by the
private sector.
2000-1997 Shelter of Flint
Flint, Michigan
Contact: Duane M. Elling (810) 238-4711
Poverty and its accompanying homelessness
continues to be of significant concern in Genesee County and particularly
in the city of Flint. According to a 1997 report by the Flint Area Supportive
Housing Consortium, the 1990s found more than 27% of all Flint families
living in poverty, a significant increase over the 15% reported in 1980.
Even more distressing is the 1997 finding that almost 71% of single female-headed
households in Genesee County with children under five years of age live
in poverty (Priority 90s, A Community Roundtable). Homelessness is
an all too common outcome of this local tragedy, exacerbated by a weakened
local economy, the prevalence of substance abuse and domestic violence
amongst the population, and a lack of available safe, affordable housing.
For many of these persons, finding their way out of homelessness is a seemingly
impossible task. Individual efforts to achieve economic and family stability
end in failure, anger and frustration.
Shelter of Flint has formed its own array
of programs and services, including the agency's "Outreach Program",
all of which are critical to effectively addressing the issue of homelessness
in Genesee County. Indeed, it is the Shelter of Flint's mission to help
our clients not only secure safe, affordable housing, but also to establish
the security and stability necessary to becoming strong and independent
families for years to come.