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2000 Best Practice Awards

"Local" Winners: Nevada State Office

2000-30 Inter-local Administration of Section 8 Program

The inter-local administration of the Section 8 Tenant-Based Program is a Memorandum of Understanding that has been established between the three local Housing Authorities. This MOU helped to promote mobility and freedom of choice for low-income families seeking housing assistance by allowing Section 8 families to lease units in all three jurisdictions with our administration of these lease-ups as portability.

2000-520 REAC-USDA Housing Inspection Pilot

A partnership agreement was developed between the Department of Housing and Urban Development - Real Estate Assessment Center and the Department of Agriculture - Rural Development agency for the purpose of sharing HUD’s housing inspection technology and protocols and with a goal of establishing a government-wide inspection protocol based on REAC’s inspection systems. The partnership agreement was developed through outreach initiated by the Reno Area Office’s Community Builders at Rural Development’s "Week of Housing" conference. REAC also provided equipment to Rural Development to test HUD's new physical property inspection program on its multifamily housing inventory in Nevada. The inspection of Rural Development property is conducted by Rural Development staff and then transmitted to REAC for scoring and reported back to Rural Development through the internet.

2000-499 Housing Incentive for Teachers ( HIT )

Building on the Teacher Next Door program, Community Builders and PTO's form HUD's Las Vegas office worked with Clark County School Board Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and representatives from local financial institutions. The group identified ways of packing mortgages, encouraging the development of down-payment assistance programs and methods of augmenting and reducing closing costs. The group's goals was to create housing incentives for teachers to bolster local school districts recruiting efforts.

2000-269 Certified Loan Officer Designation

A new certification credential will be offered to Nevada's mortgage loan officers for the first time through a unique public partnership headed by the Nevada Mortgage Bankers Association and the Nevada Association of Mortgage Brokers.

The Mortgage Group is developing a Certified Nevada Mortgage Professional designation to advance technical expertise and help curb lending abuses in the mortgage lending industry.

This best practice promotes consistency in underwriting Real Estate Loans; thus providing a more equitable opportunity for LMI borrowers.

2000-26 Bad Debt/Eviction Sharing Program

The Housing Authority of the City of Las Vegas entered into a memorandum of understanding with the city’s neighboring housing authorities to share client bad debt information and evictions. Each housing authority has access, via a computer modem, to log into each agency's system. By entering a social security number, agencies can identify an applicant who owes a debt and notify them that the debt must be paid prior to admission as regulated in 24 CFR 982.552(6). To date, the three agencies involved in the program have collected an estimated $12,500 and have submitted the idea to HUD Headquarters for consideration of implementing a nationwide system

2000-28 Public Housing Education Forum

To provide our community partners with a better understanding of how admission to the Section 8 Program and Public Housing Program works, how unit offers or vouchers are issued, grievance reviewed, wait lists managed and basic "public housing 101" information, the Housing Authority of the City of Las Vegas has developed a workshop which included a power point presentation. This program provided not only an educational environment, but has also become a networking forum as well, bringing together political representatives, welfare staff, the media, non-profit staff and HUD Community Builder staff. Most of these representatives (who receive calls from our applicants with complaints) can now respond adequately to their callers concerns.

2000-508 Sunset Park

Sunset is a true community partnership. Partnerships were established to create Sunset Park by the City of Las Vegas, Ministers Alliance, State and local elected officials, the Las Vegas Housing Authority, and residents of Gerson Park. Through this collaborative effort, Community Development Programs Center of Nevada (CDPCN), a nonprofit, was able to purchase the Gerson Park property for $2.5 million from the Las Vegas Housing Authority. This effort was made possible because of approval and work by the local HUD Office and approval by Secretary Cuomo. Sunset Park is a Multi-family apartment complex developed through a limited partnership agreement with a not-for profit development corporation, and a Nevada Limited Partnership, and a private for-profit entity to form Sunset Investors Limited Partnership.

2000-1034Cambridge Community Outreach Center

The outreach center was formerly a 28,00 ft office building in an older declining neighborhood. The renovation of the structure provides an alternative for the neighborhood youth which had not previously existed. The center contains numerous State and County agencies and Phase I ( Phase II has started) building development is part of a much larger campus design to empower residents to provide positive alternatives for their youth and families.

2000-646 MASH Village Crisis Intervention Center

The MASH Village Crisis Intervention Center (MVCIC) is a unique community-based one-stop outreach and crisis intervention center for those who are homeless or "at risk" of becoming homeless. The CIC has become the hub for a consortium of 33 providers in Las Vegas who, together, provide a seamless system of collaborative services to the homeless and near homeless population. This one-stop-shopping"network includes prevention and outreach, information and referral, basic medical screening services and mental health care, referral to treatment and recovery programs, veterans outreach, and referral to housing resources. This program is not duplicated anywhere in the state of Nevada, and in fact, is rarely found anywhere in the country. Agencies providing services to certain sub-populations accept referrals for clients who fit into their specialized criteria, and might link, with yet another provider who fulfills a client's second need. Those agencies that specialize in case management service are encouraged to link with providers of housing, to cooperatively house and case manage clients. Agencies specializing in outreach activities provide recruitment and information and referral services. Many providers, who presently attempt to provide many different services, may choose to concentrate their resources on one aspect of the continuum and target specific funding sources.

2000-1595 Quail Ridge Manor (Sr. Citizen Residence)

A durable partnership between the Boulder City Community and Quail Ridge Manor which has been tested over and over again, including during disasters.

  1. Volunteers from local government built a major drainage ditch to drain waters caused by flooding.
  2. Other volunteers helped during a subsequent mudslide to remove mud
  3. A flag pole once used at Hoover Dam was donated. It was removed, transported and re-established in a beautiful setting created with donated construction materials with the help of a broad coalition of private companies, the city, and the Rotary Club. A flag presented to 97 year old resident Mrs. Candelaria following the death of her son on May 5, 1945 in Okinawa was the first flag flown on the new pole.
  4. Terraced gardens accessible to residents were installed through a partnership with the Rotary Club, the Masonic Lodge, the American Legion, the Green Team, the local Garden club, and architect Damen Ohlerking.
  5. Solar screens were installed by Boulder City Conservation specialist S. Koons as a demonstration project.
  6. Lend a Hand regularly takes approximately 20 residents to doctors / dentists and to shop
  7. The Boulder City Sr. Center delivers Meals on Wheels to ten residents and sends a bus to pick up other residents for lunch.
  8. Nursing care for ten residents comes through the Nevada Division of Aging
  9. Seventh Graders with their teachers from Boulder City Middle School worked two Saturdays removing sagebrush.
  10. Children from St. Jude's ranch visit regularly to talk with residents and to entertain during Xmas.
  11. Emergency Aid of Boulder City has provided USDA commodities bi-monthly.
  12. Albertson's markets, the ELks Club and the Boulder City Credit Union provide food during Xmas and Thanksgiving. Throughout the year bread is provided by Vons, and pastries are donated by the disabled American Veterans.

2000-1531 One Stop Shop for All Homeownership Needs

The Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County, Nevada introduced a new program in February 2000 to assist very low to moderate-income individuals in achieving homeownership. The Home Center Program provides qualified participants with pre- and post- home buying classes that include long-term home maintenance, escrow, financing, fair housing, budgeting and credit counseling. After completing the orientation meeting and buyer readiness workshop, participants are guided into one of two training programs, the Fast-Track Workshop or Homebuyers Club, depending on their readiness.

2000-1001 Las Vegas Housing Authority(LVHA) Scattered-Site Housing Program

The LVHA currently has 276 single family units of scattered site housing, located in 10 different zip code areas, within the Las Vegas city limits. Prior to this program, public housing units were primarily in two zip codes. The scattered site housing is available on the public housing list as are the public housing apartments-- they are not treated differently. The LVHA provided "good neighbor" training for the perspective residents, to include providing them a lawn mower and edged. The residents are provided safety training and care of the equipment, and training on "how to" care to their home--preparing residents for future homeownership. Currently 20 of these families are enrolled in the Family self-sufficiency (FSS) program. The FSS assists families with saving, self-improvement and ultimately to become homeowmers or move into permanent rental housing. Of the 276 scattered site houses, 133 are located in upper middle class neighborhoods. Several neighborhood associations have invited residents to participate in neighborhood activities. The LVHA provides 30-60-90 day initial inspections, and conduct annual inspection thereafter.

2000-999 CDBG- Pre-award Process

Based upon HUD's pre-award approval process authorized under CFR 570.200 (h) (2), Clark County has developed a process to utilize this effective process of expediting both the capital implementation process and the expenditure rate for CDBG moneys. Using the HUD pre-award approval process Clarck county has obtained prior approval from HUD for various capitol projects. While Clark County loses interest revenue on the County's funds, that it would have otherwise have obtained, this does not outweigh the benefit of bringing capital facilities on more quickly. The process has numerous benefits beyond spending HUD funds more expeditiously.

2000-890 Salvation Army's Safe Haven

The Salvation Army of Clark County/Las Vegas constructed and is operating a shelter for 25 seriously mentally challenged homeless individuals--both men (14) and women (11). This facility also contains supportive services necessary to enable the homeless to become involved with existing mental health services. This shelter provides semi-private and private rooms where the homeless can find a stable and supportive living environment. Residents are more willing to participate in services which will eventually move them to a more transitional form of housing.

2000-877 Collaborative PHA Family self-sufficiency Program

This is a joint effort among the three local public housing authorities for a Family self-sufficiency program. The Program Coordinating Committee (PCC) consists of public, private and non-profit agencies and organizations. These organizations bring a variety of services and programs that are utilized by both FSS program participants and other Public Housing Authority clients. The program provides training, transportation, education, employment and other services to enable residents to become self-sufficient.

2000-785 Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors FHEO Compliance Initiative

The Greater Las Vegas Association of REALTORS become the first association in the United States to create the position of a Fair Housing Administrator, to deal exclusively with Fair Housing issues. Thus by creating greater awareness of anti-discrimination laws among Realtors. The Administrator's principal duties were defined as follows:

  • To review regularly the Multiple Listing Service weekly entries to insure they do not violate Section 804(c) of the Fair Housing Act.
  • To offer risk reduction seminars directed at educating members about FHEO issues including sexual harassment, Megan's Law and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • To give brokers and associates the opportunity to discuss fair housing issues in group meetings at their offices to develop their understanding of the rules.
  • To educate multi-family dwelling owners and developers regarding laws and regulations designed to insure accessibility.
  • Advise property managers on the proper way to screen tenants so no violation of law occurs.
  • To continually look for ways not only avoid violating the law but also to encourage proactive behaviors which will lead consumers to move freely in the marketplace for housing without concern for historical patterns of discrimination

2000-767 Aid for AIDS of Nevada Las Vegas, NV

The Nevada State Health Division, Bureau of Disease Control and Intervention reports that Nevada presently ranks 10th by cumulative total of AIDS cases in the United States, or 29.1 per 1000,000 population. The goal of AFAN, is to coordinate at a "one-stop" location for both the social service and emotional needs of individuals and families living with and affected by HIV and AIDS. Founded in 1984, AID for AIDS of Nevada, Inc. is Nevada's non-profit community-based organization dedicated to providing services to individuals and families infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. AFAN is managed by an Executive Director and has a full-time staff of 12. The organization maintains an active volunteer base of 120 individuals.

2000-740 Henderson Allied Community Advocates (HACA)

The HACA network is an ad-hoc committee -- a community-based network of service providers whose goals and efforts are to identify and address the needs, gaps in services, and various types of community issues in the Henderson area. The committee consists of different representatives of organizations and service providers whose goals is to collaborate together to create a source of information that would address the needs of residents and to assist in the elimination of duplication of services and efforts in Henderson. The committee's mission is to work, design and create partnerships that will assist families, children, and individuals who are at risk by providing the direction, knowledge and tools to decrease and prevent homelessness. By working together, these nonprofits and local governmental entities can leverage resources and provide a greater number of programs, and save costs and efforts to local residents.

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Content Archived: April 20, 2011

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