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2000 Best Practice Awards

Photo Gallery - Day 2

 Photo of HUD Chief of Staff Jacquie Lawing with interpreter.

 Participants at Tuesday's opening plenary session.

HUD Chief of Staff Jacquie Lawing addressing opening plenary session. (Left to right: Sign language interpreter and Jacquie Lawing.)

Participants at Tuesday's
opening plenary session

Photo of recipients receiving local awards.

Local awards presentation (left to right): Acting Secretary's Representative Louis Ybarra (Southwest), Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy and Management Mary Madden (FPM), Senior Community Builder Bill McNarney (Iowa), Secretary's Representative Joseph Garcia (Rocky Mountains), and Secretary 'sRepresentative Bob Santos (NW Alaska)

Photo of Steve Langstaff receiving local award presented by Mary Madden.

Photo of Robin Mundell receiving local award presented by Joseph Garcia.

Local award presented to Steve Langstaff by Assistant Deputry Secretary for Field Policy and Management Mary Madden

Local award presented to Robin Mundell by Rocky Monuntains' Secretary's Representative Joseph Garcia.

 Photo of Secretary Representative Bob Santos presents the Northwest local award.

Secretary's Representative Bob Santos presents the Northwest local award.

Participants at a Lead Hazard Control workshop.

Participants at a site visit to the Connecticut Estates Homeownership Development

 Photo of participants in discussion in the Technology Room.

 Photo of exhibit hall before opening.

Participants in discussion in the Technology Room.

Exhibit hall before opening.

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Content Archived: April 20, 2011

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