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2000 Best Practice Symposium

Workshop Session Summary:
Special Needs Housing/Youth Empowerment Track

Housing Services for Persons with Mental Illness


Gail Williamson, Housing Project Manager, HUD Office of Business Products

Room: Military Room


Margaret Shemwell, Community Support Programs, Inc.,
James Stamper, Caminar Group Home

This session was an excellent source for organizations looking for ways to design programs for the mentally ill, chronic substance abusers, and other hard to reach populations. Although the presentations and handouts were informative, and well-organized the most beneficial part of the session was the question and answer portion following the presentations. The session attendees learned of the various challenges that faced the different organizations and they took the chance to share the different strategies they developed throughout the process.

The first portion of the session was presented by Community Support Programs, Inc., an umbrella organization with 14 programs that offer a variety of services to the mentally ill, and other hard to reach populations. "We always look for the opportunity to educate the public about mental illness," said division director, Veronica Stinson, MSW. "This session offers me a chance to learn new and innovative ways to provide services to our clients," says division director, Shelia Wells, MSW.

The second portion of the session was presented by James Stamper, executive director of Pedregal House, a communal living arrangement for the physically disabled in Las Vegas. Pedregal House is the only such program in the Las Vegas area, an area with one of the fastest growing populations in the nation.

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Content Archived: April 20, 2011

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