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2000 Best Practice Awards

"Local" Winner: The South Peoria Neighborhood Connection Foundation


Photo of social work student and children outside the South Peoria Neighborhood House

Photo of Residents' Association's Christmas party, 1999
Oral Roberts University social work senior Bethanna Jackson and children outside the South Peoria Neighborhood House (1999). Christmas party (1999) sponsored by Residents' Association of St. Thomas Square and social work students.

Photo of St. Thomas Square Residents' Association meeting
HUD Community Builder, Lyn Larson, invited by the St. Thomas Square Residents' Association to discuss tenant rights and responsibilities (April 2000). Organizing the Association was a class project for social work students during the fall 1999.

Photo of family in front of their home
Tim and Lisa Cottman with their children, 5-year-old Elizabeth and 20-month-old Jonathan, recently moved into a two-story home in a new development near 61st Street and Peoria Avenue.

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Content Archived: April 20, 2011

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