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2000 Best Practice Awards

"Local" Winners: Wisconsin State Office


106 City Hall Square Housing
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Contact: Lynn Fournier (972) 281-1460

City Hall Square provides 136 units of mixed-income housing and commercial space in the heart of downtown Milwaukee, WI. The project is located directly across the street from Milwaukee’s Flemish Renaissance City Hall building and along the recently developed Milwaukee River Walk. City Hall Square is a $17,220,000 project, of which $8,120,000 of the financing is an FHA insured mortgage

533 Challenge Center, Inc.
Superior, Wisconsin
Contact: Eugene C. Chuzles (715) 394-2771

The initial grant provided partial funding for the building of a one acre, hydroponic greenhouse to serve as a base for employment and training programs offered to adults with developmental disabilities and others transitioning from welfare to work. The new greenhouse would triple the total growing space of Bay Produce, allow for year round production by staggering the planting seasons with the older greenhouse, and create 24 additional work stations for participants in employment and training programs. Program participants work on a variety of tasks, including: planting tomatoes, plant maintenance, picking and packaging the product. The tomato plants have an eleven month life cycle and are in production eight of those months. The greenhouses were created to provide a self supporting work environment, supported on an ongoing basis by product sales. Participants are paid based on productivity and service costs of training are contracted through Douglas County. A subsequent grant allowed the Agency to replace the roofs on the greenhouses, resurface and improve the parking lot, and make upgrades to the Agency's primary program building that improved accessibility for it's customers with disabilities.

745 Replacement Housing Program
La Crosse, Wisconsin
Contact: Florine John (608) 789-7512

The Replacement Housing Program (RHP) is the method the City of LaCrosse is developing in-fill housing. RHP is a collaboration between the City of LaCrosse, Western Wisconsin Technical College (WWTC), and Community Action Program (CAP). The program uses CDBG to buy and demolish deplatidated housing. After a parcel is cleared for construction, HOME funds are used to finance the construction of a new home. The actual construction of the home is done buy the students of the Wood Technologies class at WWTC. The students serve as the construction work crew performing all the task from digging and setting the foundation to last minute internal finishing details. The students are supervised by a City of LaCrosse construction manager and the professor of the Wood Technologies class. The students work on-site during the morning and attend classes in the afternoon. While the home is being developed, the City of LaCrosse works with CAP to do homebuyer counseling for income eligible clients. RHP is a unique blend of volunteer community service and affordable housing. The program is able to integrate the latest in construction technology from WWTC and utilizes designs that match the architecture of the neighborhood.

766 City of Milwaukee - Large Impact Developments (LID)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Contact: Juanita Hawkins (414) 286-3842

The City of Milwaukee, Community Block Grant Administration proposed the Large Impact Development Fund (LID) activity as part of the 1999-2000 Request For Proposal booklet sent Photo of New Convenant Townhousesout to all service providers in the C.D.B.G. target areas. This LID activity was designed to foster new Physical Development projects in Milwaukee’s CDBG neighborhoods which would: Enhance Business Development Create jobs Provide New Tax Revenues Improve the Quality of Life for Area Residents Examples of LID activities include the construction of a multi-use community enterprise center in a vacant building which would house, a counseling center, community center and restaurant and a bookstore. Another example is the construction of a Youth and Family Activity Center, and the construction of a computer training center. [Click here to view more photos.]

876 Meta House Transitional Living
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Contact: Francine Feinberg (414) 962-1200

Milwaukee was one of ten cities included in Homes for the Homeless' Institute for Children Cover of the Milwaukee Journal Magazine, May 1994and Poverty's national study, entitled, "Ten Cities, 1997-1998, A Snapshot of Family Homelessness Across America." Highlights of this study include the following:

  • Homeless families in Milwaukee are more than twice as likely to be headed by females (95%);
  • African Americans represent 91% of the families in the shelters;
  • Almost half (48%) of homeless parents have never completed high school; and less than one-quarter (22%) are employed
  • More than one-third (41%) have been homeless at least two different times; and
  • Milwaukee parents have spent by far the most time on TANF at 68% over one year and 54% over two years.

The profile of the women that Meta House serves parallels the above, with the addition of chronic substance use disorders and often dual mental health disorders. In addition, the women are generally characterized by: 1) Having at least one child in out-of-home placement and/or pregnant, 2) Being involved in with W-2 and/or child welfare agencies, 3) Few to no marketable job skills, and 4) Extremely poor interpersonal relationships. Meta House's years of experience have led them to recognize the need for safe, affordable housing and consistent peer support in order for the women to maintain sobriety and live a healthy, self-sufficient life. Photo of Meta HouseOnce sober, the inability to find this type of housing threatens the mother's ability to maintain her recovery and fosters the cycle of continued substance use and homelessness.

Meta House has been providing long-term, gender-specific treatment for women with chronic substance use disorders since 1963. As part of its Shared Family Care Program, adopted by the Board of Directors in its 1997-2001 strategic plan, Meta House opened a transitional living facility for homeless families headed by recovering women in 1999. The transitional living facility, located in an Enterprise Zone at 128 - 138 W. Locust Street, is a 12-unit apartment building on Milwaukee's near north side, and includes three one-bedroom and nine two-bedroom furnished apartments. Meta House has been successful in assisting women to Photo of a room in Meta Houseovercome their substance-use disorder because they have been able to live in the residential program with their children under 10 years of age. They will continue to be able to live in the transitional living facility for up to two years with their children, and in some cases, regain custody of the children who have been in out-of-home placement. This facility was funded through a combination of federal (HUD) and state (WHEDA) grants, a private foundation, and donations from a three-year sponsorship by the members of a women's professional association and gift-in-kind donations from a major furniture store in the community.

1475 The Wisconsin Homeownership for People with Disabilities Collaborative Initiative
Brookfield, Wisconsin
Contact: Charlene Dwyer (262) 782-2480

The Wisconsin Homeownership for People with Disabilities Collaborative Initiative is a multi-agency, statewide project serving low-and-moderate income (household income less than 80% of their county median income) people with disabilities and/or family members with disables dependents.

The homeownership project was initiated to address the accessible housing shortage crisis and low homeownership rate among the severely disabled population.

The Collaborative provided free training seminars on 1) home buying and 2) persons with disabilities, to lenders, housing counseling agencies, and staff at the eight Independent Living Centers (ILC) throughout the state.

Through the efforts of the initiative, disabled homebuyers in Wisconsin are able to access mortgage products specifically designed for them. These products have expanded flexibilities within the mortgage underwriting guidelines which take into account the exceptional income, asset and co-borrow circumstances that are common among people with disabilities and their families.

1627 City of Wauwatosa (WI) Long Term Flood Mitigation strategy
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Contact: Robert W. Harris (414) 479-8957

Areas of the City of Wauwatosa are subject to flooding from heavy rainfall, which leads to overland flooding and sewer back-ups. Flooding on June 21, 1997 caused tremendous damage throughout the City of Wauwatosa. The City lost more than $8 million from private property damage when the Menomonee River crested 9 feet above flood stage damaging more than1,000 of the City's 6,000 homes. The most severe damage occurred in the area south of State Street from hart Park east to the City limits. The majority of this area is located in the flood plain of the Menomonee River, with a significant number of properties actually located in the floodway. All 77 properties in this LMI area had some type of flood damage. Two homes were so severely damaged that they had to be demolished. Businesses in this area closed for several days; some were closed for weeks-in order to clean up from flood damage. One business property had 52 inches of water in the first floor of their property, one business had over $1 million in damage and another went out of business entirely. Flooding occurred again along the Menomonee River in 1998 further emphasizing the need for serious flood mitigation.

Following the 1997 flood, HUD's Milwaukee CPD Office was the first office to offer assistance to the City. Subsequently, HUD Disaster and Recovery Money was used to purchase, acquire and raze two flood damaged properties located in the floodway of the Menomonee River in the Hart Park neighborhood of Wauwatosa. Use of the Disaster and Recovery funds proved to be the impetus for additional funding from FEMA, Wisconsin DNR and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. Together the funds will eventually lead to the acquisition and removal of all 67 residential and 10 commercial properties from the flood hazard area, and thereby removing two-thirds of the City's flood plain properties and the removal of all of FEMA's designated repetitive loss properties. In its place the City will be doubling in size the only City-owned park in Wauwatosa.

1782 Home Sweat Home - Beloit Housing Authority
Beloit, Wisconsin
Contact: Catherine J. Percell (608) 364-8750

The "Home Sweat Home" program is designed to offer PH residents a year-long employment and training opportunity in carpentry and housing rehabilitation. The program was established by the Beloit HA in partnership with Beloit Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS), Rock County Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC), and the Beloit Foundation. Phase I of the program involves in-class training in math, interview techniques, resume writing and hands on carpentry and construction instruction. Upon graduation, participants receive a certificate and a set of tools and move on to Phase II, which involves an internship with NHS rehabilitating houses. The participants apply the knowledge and skills they learned from OIC and work under the supervision of two carpenters for six months. The participants are also required to attend a multiple week Home Buyers Club course through NHS. For PH residents that meet the additional criteria, they may apply their labor or "sweat-equity" towards the down payment a house that they help rehabilitate. Participants also receive a minimum wage stipend while enrolled in Phases I & II for twenty hours of work each week and the income does not count towards their rent. To date, a total of (5) PH residents have graduated from Phase I and (1) PH resident has graduated from Phase II.

1854 How Section 8 Can Benefit You
Madison, Wisconsin
Contact: Eileen Bruskewitz (608) 824-0024

The development of a training program to provide landlords with information regarding the facts and benefits of leasing to households possessing Section 8 existing housing certificates and housing vouchers. The program includes a power point presentation, written handouts and a 17 minute video. The program was developed by Rental Housing Resources, Inc., the educational foundation of the Wisconsin Apartment Association. The organization has worked with Wisconsin housing authorities to encourage landlords, especially landlords with single family homes and duplexes, to participate in the Section 8 existing housing and housing voucher program.

2134 SCO Self Help Housing Program
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Contact: John M. Bach (414) 643-7913

The SCO (South Community Organization, Inc.) Self Help Housing Program is a housing rehabilitation and home ownership program that enables low-income home buyers to reduce down payment requirements, earning sweat equity through self help labor. By performing an average of 400 to 600 hours of work, such as demolition, clean up, interior painting, sanding flooring, etc., home buyers can earn up to 10% of the development cost of a single family or two family house as their equity investment in the property.

SCO is assisting families in their purchase of rehabilitated or newly constructed houses. The SCO Self Help Program was initiated October 1, 1997 and the first property to be rehabilitated was acquired in February, 1998. The Project will eventually provide 30 units of rehabilitated housing units. The site selection is done collaboratively with the client families. SCO also assists them by pre-qualifying them as borrowers and arranging for financing to purchase the housing units on completion of construction or rehabilitation. SCO bids out the contract work, secures interim financing and purchases the properties as owner developer. SCO then enters into a purchase contract with each self help family that spells out the scope of work and the particular commitment of each family that will renovate, purchase and occupy their respective houses. The average cost per rehabilitated property is $52,000. The properties are fully financed, with $4,000 to $5,500 of "sweat equity" earned and credited to the self help borrower as if it were a cash down payment on the purchase price of the property. Self help families receive technical assistance and training prior to the start of the project and throughout the construction period. Home ownership counseling is also provided by SCO prior to and after completion of the project. On completion of the new construction or rehabilitation work, SCO sells the property to the self-help family.

2188 Regional Opportunity Rental Initiative
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Contact: Nancy N. Olson (414) 278-4899

Milwaukee County Housing & Community Development Division serves as the lead agency for the Regional Opportunity Counseling (ROC) Program, a 5-year program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Eight other Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) partner with Milwaukee County in this program. The purpose of the ROC Program is to assist Section 8 certificate and voucher recipients living in the high and moderate poverty areas of Milwaukee to move to low poverty areas throughout the 4-county metropolitan area where greater employment opportunities exist. Milwaukee County has contracted with the YWCA of Greater Milwaukee to counsel rent assistance participants who have been referred by the PHAs participating in the ROC Program. While the YWCA can provide a vast array of services for ROC participants, financial barriers exist which serve to restrict household moves. The costs to address these problems were not included as eligible expenses under the HUD grant. Recognizing that ROC program participants were frequently unable to accomplish a move to a low poverty area because of the financial barriers, Milwaukee County applied to the State of Wisconsin's Housing Cost Reduction Initiative (HCRI) Program. The HCRI Program is a competitive program which provides grants to local units of government, PHAs, American Indian tribes, or nonprofit organizations for projects which reduce the cost of housing for low-income renters and homebuyers. A HCRI grant in the amount of $57,577 was awarded to provide financial assistance in the form of security deposits, first/last months' rent, and utility bill arranges for approximately 32 households. The amount of the grant request was based on these 32 household's moving in the first 2 years of the ROC Program, with an average amount of financial assistance of $1,607 per move. The HCRI grant, used as a revolving loan fund, supplies an immediate source of security deposits, first/last months' rent and assistance to tenants in bringing their utility bills up to date. Security deposits are forgiven if the tenant remains in the new location through a second year. All other funds are repayable at zero interest, with flexible terms designed to accommodate each family's financial circumstances. Utility loans are repayable after 6 months, while first/last months' rent must be repaid after 1 year. Eligible ROC participants may also apply for a moving grant of up to $500. These grant funds are provided through the Milwaukee County Urban County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, in the amount of $53,500 to cover 107 households, which was also competitively applied for and obtained.

2194 Urban Partnership/Mayor's Neighborhood Resources Board
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Contact: Cheryl Renier-Wigg (920) 448-3412

Similar to communities elsewhere, Green Bay was confronted with blight in its older neighborhoods. The residents lacked a sense of community. Neighbors felt helpless about the deterioration that was taking place around them. The Urban Partnership’s (UP) goal was to create healthy neighborhoods. They adopted the definition of a healthy neighborhood as follows: Housing stock and infrastructure in good and improving condition, diversity of residents within the neighborhoods, parks and recreational facilities accessible to everyone, public and private services adequately meet the needs of the residents, housing opportunities available to everyone, residents know and look out for their neighbors and feel safe, properties are properly managed and residents have pride in their homes and their neighborhood.

UP is a grass roots effort working to strengthen, preserve and revitalize central city neighborhoods. Since inception, the UP has become a unique partner of government, business and community leaders working toward comprehensive change in neighborhoods. In the fall of 1996, the UP identified several key goals to guide the healthy neighborhood effort. Five groups were formed to work on these goals for neighborhood improvement; (1) Neighborhood Organization/Empowerment; (2) Economic Development (3) Housing; (4) Lifelong Learning/Youth Opportunities; and (5) Resources. The Neighborhood Organization/Empowerment group facilitated formation of near downtown Neighborhood Associations.

2364 Richard's Place
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Contact: David W. Cappon (262) 542-2263

Richard's Place was formed in 1996 to address the unmet needs of persons affected by HIV/AIDS in Waukesha County. Richard's Place, Inc. recognized a significant and growing population of county residents were traveling great distance to obtain appropriate housing and supportive services after they were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Many individuals were Photo of Richard's Place ribbon cutting ceremonyforced to relocate to Milwaukee County to obtain appropriate housing and supportive services. Individuals with family or other support in Waukesha County were unable to relocate to Waukesha County because of a lack of HIV/AIDS supportive services and appropriate housing.

Richard's Place provides person with HIV/AIDS individualized residential care in a supportive transitional living environment which includes coordinated case management services, mental health wellness therapies, AODA counseling, daily supportive living services, home hospice care and community education and advocacy. The services provided are consistent with the mission of Richard's Place to facilitate independence, dignity and well being through a compliment of safe, affordable appropriate housing and day-to-day support services provided to formerly homeless persons infected with HIV/AIDS and the affected persons in their lives. [Click here to view more photos.]

2583 "My Home Program" (Milwaukee County Mental Health Division, Shelter-Plus Care Program)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Contact: Kathleen Eilers (414) 257-5202

As part of HUD’s continuum of care, the My Home Program (MHP) is designed to break the cycle of homelessness, and provide permanent housing for persons with special needs. To accomplish this, HUD requires that housing agencies and service providers make a long-term commitment to the coordination of housing benefits and supportive services. Milwaukee County Mental Health Division (Public Mental Health System) has developed a partnership with Milwaukee County Housing & Community Development (Public Housing Authority) for the invention, administration and operation of the My Home Program (MHP). The MHP is designed to serve those individuals who are homeless and living on the street, in emergency shelter or in safe haven and lack the resources or support services to access permanent housing. Participants are individuals who are unable to access permanent housing and support services provided through traditional programs such as Mental Health Outpatient Clinics or Section 8 Programs. This program is part of the Milwaukee Wisconsin’s local Continuum of Care System. Participants are generally individuals who have struggle with a mental illness and homelessness for many years. These are individuals, who because of their mental illness, are outcasts from society. In this approach each participant is provided with a Housing Program Assistant and a Mental Health Care Manager from the respective systems. The Mental Health Division has multiple contractual agreements for the operation of this program (see participants section). The purpose of this multi-contractual system is develop partnerships with local provider agencies who have the expertise to provide services and access to permanent housing for persons who are homeless and mentally ill. Access to the My Home Program happens through the Mental Health Division’s Service Access to Independent Living Program (SAIL). This program is the central access and monitoring point for mental health services in Milwaukee County. Case Management Services for each participant are funded and provided or contracted by the Mental Health Division (MHD). Once the individual is linked with case management agency, a referral is made to SAIL for access to the MHP. Once the individual is found HUD eligible, linkage is made to the Mental Health Division’s housing partner Housing & Community Development. The participant is assigned to the housing program assistant. The participant, case manager and housing program assistant work collaboratively together to develop the housing plan for the participant. This partnership is first component that results in the program’s success. Once the participant is found eligible for the housing subsidy, the case manager assists the individual in obtaining suitable housing. Once housing is located the housing program assistant does a Housing Quality Standard (HUD requirement, 882.109) inspection. The next step is execution of the lease in collaboration with the landlord of the selected housing. The landlord is the next important partner in the process. Both the case manager and the housing program assistant work assertively with the landlord along with the participant to ensure that the process of securing a permanent residence is successful. The case management services are provided to the participant on a ongoing and regular basis. The participants have a service plan that is developed in conjunction with the case manager. The service plan is the second critical component of the program’s success. This service plan contains essential goals that the participant will be working toward as part of their mental health recovery process. A critical component of this plan is maintaining permanent housing. The housing & service team, work collaboratively in assisting each participant in maintaining their permanent housing. On a weekly basis the team participates in a MHP Operations Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to deal with any challenging issues related to the participant’s mental illness or tenancy e.g. eviction. MHP Operations Meetings is the third critical component of this program’s success. This meeting becomes the strategy for ensuring that the consumer’s housing plan is effective and ends the individual’s life of homelessness.

2648 Common Wealth's Main Street Industries Facility
Madison, Wisconsin
Contact: Marianne Morton (608) 256-3527

Common Wealth Development Corporation, a local community-base CDC, worked with their small business incubator tenants to identify future space needs for the growing businesses in an effort to keep them in the neighborhood after graduation' from the incubator. With CDBG funds from the City of Madison, Common Wealth conducted a feasibility study of potential sites for a second stage incubator, a light industrial facility to serve those businesses. The study identified several sites, including a former bus station vacated by Dial Corporation, the parent company of Greyhound. Common Wealth secured an equity investment from the Madison CDBG Office, sought other funding, and worked with several banks to acquire and renovate the building. Early research revealed brownfield issues and environmental concerns about spillage from oil and other fluids used in the bus station operations. One of Common Wealth's central strategies in negotiating with the corporate seller was to clarify Dial's responsibility to implement an abatement plan and obtain a clearance certificate from the State Department of Natural Resources. A second central strategy was to identify other potential buyers and strengthen Common Wealth's position. Negotiation with the Mayor's Office lead to the consensus that the Madison Water Utility could find other sites within the area, and that the City in its entirety would support the offer of Common Wealth, rather than compete for space. Common Wealth managed the rehab bid process and renovated the building for subleases to small businesses and entrepreneurs. Common Wealth hired a person experienced in running his own small business to manage the facility. He developed a set of contacts with accountants, attorneys, and other services which might be of help to growing businesses. Within nine months of opening, the facility reached its capacity, and today houses up to 19 businesses, ranging from a minority-owned newspaper to a coffee bean roaster to an inter-based art gallery.

2683 Homeownership Opportunities
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Contact: Jenny I. Ebert (715) 831-2244

Through First Federal of La Crosse and Jenny Ebert, hundreds of Eau Claire's low income and minority families have been given the opportunity to become homeowners over the last several years. The Eau Claire branch of First Federal of La Crosse has been actively engaged with the city of Eau Claire to increase homeownership in the community by using HOME funds, CDBG funds, state funds, and other means. Through the City of Eau Claire Housing Division, low income persons may find homeownership assistance through the HOME Investment Partnership Program, Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Program, and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Homeownership Program. First Federal of La Crosse has consistently worked with clients of both programs to further the Housing Authority's homeownership efforts. First Federal of La Crosse has removed many barriers for low and moderate income persons with disabilities, female-heads of households, and minority families to become first time homeowners. Through special workshops and extraordinary personal attention, First Federal has been the primary partner with the City of Eau Claire Housing Authority in promoting homeownership opportunities in Eau Claire. Without this organization's efforts, many of these households would not be homeowners today. In particular, Jenny Ebert, First Federal Loan Officer, has paid special attention to the needs of low income persons and Eau Claire's Hmong community and has been honored by the local Hmong Mutual Assistance Association for her efforts with them and on behalf of their clients. To ensure that minority households receive and are treated in an equitable fashion, this bank acts as a liaison between the minority households in dealing with the local realtors and with homeowners independently selling their homes. Jenny Ebert and First Federal also work with Western Dairyland, a local CAP agency, to promote homeownership opportunities and assist with their other public service efforts. First Federal is currently assisting Western Dairyland with the sale of a Fresh Start home in Eau Claire to a low income homebuyer. Fresh Start is a state funded program which puts low income at-risk youth into a program of construction trade training and continuing education. Ms. Ebert is First Federal's representative on Western Dairyland's Board of Directors and has been instrumental with guidance and assistance in many of their public service projects. Both the Hmong Mutual Assistance Association and Western Dairyland have submitted letters of support for First Federal and Jenny Ebert which are included with this nomination packet.

2865 Best of the Best
Wausau, Wisconsin
Contact: Ann M. Werth (715) 261-6680

Wausau has incorporated into its community development program the following best practices from other communities: A. From Phoenix, Arizona - Wausau Community Development Department staff is being certified as a home counseling agency to serve low and moderate income residents purchase new homes and we are working with local lenders regarding financial counseling for new home buyers. B. From Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Wausau has set aside $20,000 to partner with and support its Marathon County Health Department to assess and work with low and moderate income families to undertake lead hazard reduction for City of Wausau homes. C. From Minneapolis, Minnesota - The Wausau Community Development Department has worked with the "Wausau Water Works" Utility to include a fair housing message on all its water bills. D. From Fontanta, California - Wausau has started a "Building Better Neighborhoods" program to organize a neighborhood council together with city staff and the neighborhood school to address issues and make investments which serve low and moderate income neighbors.

3205 Homeownership Counseling Education Consortium
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Contact: Carole A. Jones (414) 278-5251

The Consortium, formed in 1994, is a collaborative partnership comprised of representatives from the government, nonprofit organizations, and private business who are all committed to expanding housing opportunities. The goal is to bring all stakeholders to the table to: Increase access to homeownership counseling and education; Improve the quality of homeownership counseling and education; Increase affordable housing and homeownership opportunities; Increase awareness of fair housing and fair lending issues; Empower consumers and communities; Promote and create job opportunities in the housing industry. The Consortium offers comprehensive training for homeownership counselors and educators. Beginning classes in 1995 it has "set the standard" for homeownership counseling and education. Upon completion of this program graduates are equipped with the necessary tools to serve potential homebuyers. We firmly believe that education helps to overcome the obstacles to homeownership and that a well informed consumer is better prepared to protect themselves from discriminatory practices and feel less threatened by the home buying process. It had been demonstrated that with improved access to information more homebuyers, particularly first-time buyers, are able to purchase homes. The training program is a week-long and consists of classes that are very intensive. Participants are introduced to homeownership counseling techniques and mortgage and real estate guidelines. The training program is based on the case study mode. Participants build portfolios throughout the training. The training includes fair housing and fair lending as part of the core curriculum and continuing education classes that focus on consumer regulations. Due to a high level of interest in fair housing, insurance and diversity issues, extended training in these area have been added to the continuing education component of the program. (The class facilitators are representatives for the Metro Milwaukee Fair Housing Council and the Community Insurance information Center, Inc.) Continuing education classes began in1999. It is expected that sessions will be held (6) six times per year. Other training will include sessions on consumer regulation and mortgage lending.

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Content Archived: April 20, 2011

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