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2000 Best Practices

Selection Process

Proposed Timeline
Program Office Selection
Senior Community Builders/Secretary's Representative Selection
Selection Criteria: Program Offices/Senior Community Builders
Selection Criteria: Sources
Rating and Ranking: Program Office/Senior Community Builders
In Summary

Proposed Timeline

Public Interest Group Meeting   May 1
Public Interest Group Meeting - Feedback Received on Best Practices Weighting   May 15
Nominees called and Nomination Files Developed. Share with Program Office as completed.   March 20 - June 9
Submission Process Ends   May 31
Program Office/SCB/Sec Reps Electronically Rate and Rank
All Nominations *
  June 12 - June 16
Binders are compiled for Executive Panel/Training commences   June 19 -June 21
Top Nominations Presented to Executive Panel in binders   June 22
Each Panel Member reviews binder and completes training   June 22 - June 26
Panel Members individually rate all forwarded nominations in BPIS *   June 26 - June 30
BPIS synthesizes individual selections and produces ranked list of top nominations   June 26 - June 30
Executive Panel meets as a group to discuss and validate ranked list   June 30
Stories written for each Top nomination for submission into Symposium Booklets.   June 16 - June 30

Program Office Selection

     Step 1 (June 12 - June 16)

  • Based on the evaluation of data in manual files, each Program Office will rate and rank all nominations within their program area.

    • Each nomination will be rated against a pre-determined and program approved set of criteria.

    • Each criteria will be rated on a scale of 1 (unsatisfactory) to 10 (outstanding).

    • Each nomination will receive a total score and will be automatically ranked against all nominations within that program area.

    • Ratings completed manually by program offices before June 9th will be input into system.

     Step 2 (no later than June 16th)

  • Each program office will forward up to 50 nominations to the Executive Panel for department-wide recognition and consideration for a Best Practice Award.

    • A box will appear next to each of the ranked nominations from Step 1.

    • The program office will place a check next to those nominations they would like to forward. This number will be no greater than 50.

    • When a box is checked, the program office will be required to provide written justification as to why the nomination should be considered for a department-wide recognition and/or a Best Practice Award. Best Practice Criteria are provided for reference and guidance.

Senior Community Builder/Secretary's Representative Selection

     Step 1 (June 12 - June 16)

  • Each Senior Community Builder will select up to 18 nominations for consideration by the Secretary’s Representative for department-wide recognition and consideration for a Best Practice Award.

    • Each Senior Community Builder will rate all nominations within their jurisdiction against pre-determined and approved criteria.

    • Each criteria will be weighted on a scale of 1 (unsatisfactory) to 10 (outstanding).

    • Each nomination will receive a total score and will automatically be ranked against all other nominations within that jurisdiction.

    • Up to 18 nominations from this ranked list will be forwarded to the Secretary’s Representative.

     Step 2 (no later than June 16th)

  • Each Secretary’s Representative will select up to 12 nominations for department-wide recognition and consideration for a Best Practices Award.

    • In the system, a box will appear next to each of the ranked nominations received from the Senior Community Builders from Step 1.

    • The Secretary’s Representative will place a check next to those nominations they would like to forward to the Executive Panel. This number can be no greater than 12.

    • The Secretary’s Representative will be required to provide written justification as to why the nomination should be considered for department-wide recognition and/or a Best Practice Award. Best Practice Criteria are provided for reference and guidance.

Selection Criteria:
Program Offices/Senior Community Builders

The Program Office/Senior Community Builder selection criteria may be utilized by the individual offices when reviewing nominations in order to:

  • evaluate

  • rate

  • rank

Selection Criteria:

The Program Office and Field Office Criteria as well as the Best Practice Criteria are based on the following:

  • Input from the Program Offices, Best Practice Working Group Members, Field Offices and HUD analysts.

  • HUD's mission and strategic goals.

  • Objectives and goals of the Best Practices Program.

  • Mission and goals of each of the individual Program Areas.

Best Practices 2000 Rating and Ranking:
Program Office/Senior Community Builders

  • The following rating and ranking system was developed to assist the Program Offices, Field Offices and Best Practices Working Group in the evaluation of the 2000 Best Practice Nominations.

Each nomination will receive a rating of one (1) through ten (10) for each of the individual Program Area criteria. The ratings will fall on a continuum as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


  • Each nomination will be assigned an overall score based on the sum of the ratings given for each criteria.

  • The nomination could receive an overall score ranging from 6 to 60 (based on a six criteria system).
  • Score is captured electronically.

  • System will automatically rank the nominations against each other and generate a list displaying the ranking results.

  • Fifty nominations will be chosen from this list.

In Summary...


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Content Archived: April 20, 2011

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