Executive Summary The Asian Americans for Equality, the Human Rights Commission of the City of New York, and newspaper reporters in Asian communities are collaborating to help Asians secure adequate housing in the Citys five boroughs. Referred to as Asian Americans for Equality, this is the citys only group that specifically targets the Asian community to ensure equal service in housing. Group members, speaking the native Asian languages, assist and empower members of the Asian community through the delivery of fair housing information. They inform Asians regarding their rights under the fair housing laws and help members of the Asian community file complaints when they experience housing discrimination. Additionally, Asian Americans for Equality teaches the Citys Asian community how to determine when it is necessary to seek legal guidance. The largest challenge in implementating the program has been fear within the community. Due largely to cultural differences, the Asian population is hesitant about filing discrimination complaints. Therefore, Asian Americans for Equality has had to play the role of a counselor, assuring the groups clients that discrimination in housing is illegal in the United States. Often, emotional support must accompany the information and guidance they provide. Currently, Asians are charged higher prices for housing statewide than other ethnic groups. Asian frequently have to pay cash for apartments that are leased to others on more amenable terms, and repair services are sometimes difficult to obtain. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of Asian Americans for Equality, a greater number of people in the Asian community are now becoming aware of fair housing laws and are learning how to seek compensation in discrimination cases. Organizers of Asian Americans for Equality are confident that the continuation of the program will reduce housing discrimination against the Asian community significantly.
Content Archived: April 20, 2011