community buildersCommunity Builders on the Front Line

Andrew Cuomo, Secretary Issue 1


"Community Builders Roundtable allows us to explore current issues in a forum where community stakeholders and HUD's Community Builders help lead our discussion"

Debut of Community Builders Roundtable

Looking for an easy way to keep abreast of what’s happening on the housing policy front? Or good ideas from community development practitioners? Or an opportunity to ask high-level officials at HUD about program decisions that affect HUD’s customers? Now you can do all of these and so much more simply by tuning in to HUD-TV once a month. The National Office of the Community Builder Fellowship created and launched the Community Builders Roundtable on April 14 to offer Community Builders national and local insight into issues affecting the communities HUD serves.

"Community Builders Roundtable allows us to explore current issues in a forum where community stakeholders and HUD’s Community Builders help lead our discussion," says Patricia Enright, Director of the Community Builder Fellowship program and Roundtable moderator. While Roundtable guests present their own perspectives on the topics, Community Builders from across the country actually drive the conversation by submitting questions and comments in advance of the broadcast and calling in with questions during the session.

Both guests and audience participants represent a wide variety of perspectives. For example, the April 30th broadcast on the Continuum of Care Strategy for the Elderly featured: the director of a local senior public housing community, an elderly resident who was also the president of a local tenants association, CB round table
a service coordinator from a senior community, a representative from a Washington DC-based association for aging Americans, and a HUD assistant secretary.

Reading materials are posted on the Roundtable web site prior to the discussion and the broadcast itself is posted after the discussion. Both tools remain available for Community Builders to reference as needed. Click here to receive information on upcoming broadcasts of Community Builders Roundtable or archives from previous shows.

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