Reaching the Dream -- Resources
HUD (www.hud.gov)
- HUD-Approved Housing Counseling Agencies for Each State
- How to Buy a HUD Home
- State-by-State Listings of HUD Homes
- HUD Contacts - Find the names, addresses, and phone numbers of local HUD FBCO
liaisons who can help you.
- HUD-Information for Home Buyers
- "10
Things Your Faith Community Can Do to Encourage Homeownership"
- Info Match-Find facts, reports, articles, and more that may help you in your work.
- Toolkit Match - A handy guide you can use to find funds, strengthen your organization, and more.
- HUD Acronyms
Fannie Mae (www.fanniemae.com)
- Information on Fannie Mae's Affordable Housing and Community Development Initiative
- Fannie Mae's "For Home Buyers and Homeowners" Section -
This section helps you get all the information you need to find
the Fannie Mae mortgage and Fannie Mae-approved lender that are
right for you.
- Fannie Mae's "Becoming a Homeowner" Section - This section
gives you information on buying a home, helps you start the home
buying process, and helps you select a home that is right for
Freddie Mac (www.freddiemac.com/)
- To access any of the following, click here (www.freddiemac.com/calculators/)
- Correcting Credit Report Errors
- Credit Report Samples
- Example of a Home Mortgage Payment: $125K loan
- Example of a Home Mortgage Payment: $75K loan
- Fair Debt Collection-Provides answers to commonly asked
questions about your rights under the Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act
- How Credit Is Scored
- The True Costs of Credit-Explains the total or "true
cost" of a loan, including original loan amount and interest
- Paying More Than the Minimum-Explains keeping credit card
interest charges down
- Sample Amortization Schedules
- Sample Checkbook Register
- Sample Credit Report Dispute Letter
- Freddie Mac's "Your Route to Homeownership" - This online
tutorial provides easy-to-understand, in-depth information on
all aspects of buying a home, from understanding the pros and
cons of homeownership to demystifying the mortgage process.
- Freddie Mac's "A Consumer Home Inspection Kit in English or Spanish"
- Provides a step-by-step guide to inspection. This preliminary
inspection tool helps you make an informed decision on whether
or not to buy. Look under "Consumer Home Inspection Kits"
for the link.
Ginnie Mae (www.ginniemae.gov)
- Ginnie Mae's list of Frequently Asked Questions on Home Buying
- Glossary of Home-Buying Terms