The Affordable Care Act: Building Strong Families and Communities
By Mark Brezina, HUD Acting Regional Administrator, Region VIAll of us at HUD work every day to build strong and healthy communities across the country. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) that President Obama signed into law in 2010 has, and will continue to, go a long way in helping us achieve this mission.
Currently, the average income for families HUD assists is just $12,500 a year. And for far too long, many of these families haven't had health insurance because they either can't afford it or their employer doesn't offer it. Many have been denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions. Families have experienced firsthand how unpaid medical bills can lead to losing their homes or filing for bankruptcy.
Now, as a result of health care reform, millions of American families will have more affordable and accessible health insurance coverage. Individuals and families can now gain access to quality care, while strengthening their financial future.
That is why I am asking you to help to raise awareness about upcoming opportunities. Starting this October, eligible individuals will begin a simple enrollment process. They will be able to select from numerous affordable options that go into effect on January 1, 2014. This is coverage that will literally transform lives.
So I am asking you to urge others to enroll at To get more information, a hotline is available in more than 140 languages at (800) 318-2596.
In the coming months, I will be sending out more information about the Affordable Care Act that you can share with friends and family, our partners, and the people who live and work in HUD housing.
Let's help 40 million uninsured Americans find the peace of mind that comes with knowing they have health insurance for themselves and their families.