Homebuyers Fair Produces Happy Homeowner

Like many others, Marilene and John wanted to own a home. Now they do. You can too.

Last year she attended the Annual Homebuyers Fair in Santa Ana. Marilene was at a housing counseling agency booth and gathered information. She asked lots of questions. She got answers. She learned what to do and did it. Her dream has been realized and now calls her cute condo home. Their very own home.

It took a bit of work. Meeting with one of the HUD approved counseling agencies; she learned how to clean up her credit. She took care of student loans and past credit issues. They helped her brother re-do the car loan she had cosigned with him.

Marilene and John needed to save money for the down payment and closing costs. Living at home with parents helped her to save money toward the purchase. She and John both decided to postpone an expensive wedding celebration to be able to buy the home first.

They did not think they could afford it. They worked together with the counselors at Community Action Partnership. Together they made plans and learned how to budget their income.

The purchase was made possible through a 100% financing program. They have two loans on the property, both with favorable interest rates. The monthly payments are affordable for them.

You too can become a new homeowner. Just ask Marilene how happy she is. She will tell you it is worth the extra efforts.

Get the information that will work for you. Go to a homebuyers fair or contact a local housing counseling agency.

Content Archived: August 17, 2011