Growing the EnVision Center Family in California

Pacific Regional Administrator Christopher Patterson recently welcomed La Familia Maple Neighborhood Center to the growing family of EnVision Centers. They are the 52nd EnVision Center to be designated in the country and the first in Northern California. Regional Administrator Patterson helped them unveil their new EnVision Center sign.

La Familia Counseling Center, Inc. (LFCC) ( oversees the EnVision Center, which was previously an elementary school that was closed in 2014. LFCC repurposed the site in 2015 and invited partner organizations to open what is now known as the La Familia Maple Neighborhood Center to provide services and to empower the community. LFCC outreaches to over 10,000 residents a year in the Sacramento region and offers a wide range of services from job placement and free tax prep, to youth leadership programs and behavioral health counseling for children. LFCC is also continuing to serve residents during the pandemic, providing free COVID-19 testing on site at the EnVision Center. Region IX Field Policy and Management staff is looking forward to helping La Familia Maple Neighborhood Center expand its partnerships with federal agencies and extend their reach in Sacramento.

Learn more about EnVision Centers.

Contact HUD regarding Region IX EnVision Centers.

[Photo: Excited people pointing at new EnVision Center sign on building.]
Photo: Regional Administrator Christopher Patterson and Rachel Rios, Executive Director, La Familia Counseling Center, Inc unveil the new EnVision Center sign at the La Familia Maple Neighborhood Center. Photo credit: La Familia Counseling Center, Inc

[Photo: Regional Administrator Christopher Patterson and Rachel Rios, Executive Director, La Familia Counseling Center, Inc unveil the new EnVision Center sign at the La Familia Maple Neighborhood Center.] [Photo: Regional Administrator Christopher Patterson delivering congratulatory speech in front of building.]


Content Archived: January 12, 2022