221(d)(3) Maximum Per Unit Subsidy Limits 2012

Information Bulletin
Issue No. CPD-2012-08
May 31, 2012

MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief Executive Officials/County Administrators Located
Within the Office of the Los Angeles Community Planning and
Development Field Office Jurisdiction
ATTENTION: HOME Program Coordinators
FROM: William G. Vasquez /s/
Director, Office of Community Planning and Development, 9DD
SUBJECT: HOME Investment Partnership Program
221(d)(3) Maximum Per Unit Subsidy Limits
Effective January 1, 2012

Below are the updated 221(d)(3) maximum per unit subsidy limits for affordable housing projects utilizing funding under the HOME Program. In accordance with HOME regulation at 92.250, the total amount of HOME funds that a participating jurisdiction may invest on a per-unit basis in affordable housing may not exceed the per-unit dollar limitations established under Section 221(d)(3)(ii) of the National Housing Act for elevator-type projects that apply to the area in which the housing is located. These amounts are applicable to all participating jurisdictions located within the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles Field Office and are effective retroactive to January 1, 2012.

Bedrooms HOME Maximum Subsidy
0 $132,814
1 $152,251
2 $185,136
3 $239,506
 4+ $262,903

Please note that the above amounts have been adjusted to the maximum 240 percent that is allowed under the HOME Program on a program-wide basis, therefore, your jurisdiction may not request an increase in the subsidy limits. If you have any questions, please contact the Community Planning and Development Representative assigned to your jurisdiction.

View the signed memo


Content Archived: May 16, 2014