Service Coordinator Updates and New Procedures

San Francisco Multifamily Industry Meeting
January 19, 2012

  • Service Coordinator positions are no longer paid from the Residual Receipts.

  • An Integrated Real Estate Management System (iREMS) Review for the San Francisco office reflects there are no Service Coordinators currently being paid through the Residual Receipts.
  • When submitting Grant Extensions the grantees should submit requests for cost extensions to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) field office 120 days prior to the date the existing fund well be entirely expended. If grantees submit request with less that 120 day before they run out of funds, HUD cannot guarantee that the grantee will receive new grant funds by the time their current monies are exhausted.

  • If the grantee receive new grant funds and have not depleted the old grant funds the old funds will be recaptured. Grant extensions for the previous fiscal years cannot roll over to new grant funds fiscal year. Grantees should be tracking their balance in the Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS).

  • If you do not have LOCCS access, request it. This will allow you to see balances and draws and better manage your funds.
  1. LOCCS Activities (voucher approval, redistribution of funds, initial spreading) will be completed 2 times per month. For approval on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month, please submit your request (including supporting documentation) on the preceding Monday. If you request a drawdown of funds for Quality Assurance you are required to submit a detailed accounting of what Quality Assurance services/process were completed by Quality Assurance staff when the voucher is submitted to LOCCS.

  2. When the grantee has multiple properties, please make sure the grant number is on the voucher.

  3. Please submit supporting documentation for vouchers electronically to There is no need to submit hard copies. Please reference the grant number on the email subject line.

  4. For more information, go to:
  • Delinquent Semi-Annual Reports: There are several properties that are delinquent in submitting Semi-Annual Reports to HUD. Please note that if there are outstanding reports due, LOCCS requests will be rejected. If the property no longer has a Service Coordinator, please notify your Project Manager.

  • Quality Assurance: If your organization is using HUD monies to fund Quality Assurance (QA) activities, you are also required to complete an annual comprehensive quality assurance review. Please submit a full copy of this report annually on or before October 31st. If you have not submitted within the past 12 months, please submit on/before April 30th to avoid suspension.

  • Service Coordinator Grant Extension Requests: Please send requests via email with attachments, contract number, present year grant amount, proposed extension amount (breakout proposed percentage increase and base amount from prior year). Please reference grant number and extension request in the Subject email line.


Content Archived: February 17, 2015