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HUD Deputy Secretary Sims and DOE Under Secretary Johnson Visit Lakewood Recovery Act Weatherization Project

[Photo 1: Peter Meer, George Sherman, Rick M. Garcia, John Lucero, Marcia Johnson, and Shawne Alhenius with shovels] Under Secretary Johnson, Deputy Secretary Sims and Regional Administrator Rick Garcia "cutting the red tape"

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Deputy Secretary Ron Sims, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Under Secretary Kristina Johnson and HUD Regional Administrator Rick Garcia traveled to Eaton Terrace Residences Lakewood, Colorado for a roundtable discussion about Recovery Act Weatherization projects. The Weatherization Assistance Program is funded through the DOE and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). A new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between HUD and DOE is helping to "cut the red tape" to assist owners/managers of subsidized multifamily properties apply for weatherization funds. An on-line list of pre-qualified properties (www1.eere.energy.gov/wip/multifamily_guidance.html) with income eligible tenants has been established to help streamline the process.

Deputy Secretary Sims and Under Secretary Johnson highlighted a growing HUD and DOE partnership to weatherize low-income multifamily properties throughout the country. They discussed how innovative weatherization projects provide training in energy efficient technologies, put people back to work, and create public/private partnerships to stimulate investment in urban areas.

David Smart, CEO/President Eaton Senior Programs, Inc. and Darrin Brown, a local boilermaker explained how the Eaton Terrace was weatherized using the Multifamily Weatherization Grant Program (www.energyoutreachcolorado.org/geo_overview) administered by the Governor's Energy Office and Energy Outreach Colorado. Two new energy efficient boilers, and new efficient lighting, toilets and refrigerators were installed at Eaton Terrace. Ms. Ginny Price, a senior resident spoke about her new refrigerator and the impact of the energy improvements for her and other residents.

Deputy Secretary Sims and Under Secretary Johnson recognized Governor Bill Ritter and the Governor's Energy Office for being a national leader in administrating the HUD/DOE funding in the multifamily development projects for low-income, affordable housing. They presented a large, ceremonial award to Governor Bill Ritter.

[Photo 2: Ms. Ginny Price chats with Colorado Governor Bill Ritter]
Ms. Ginny Price chats with Colorado Governor Bill Ritter
[Photo 3: New boilers at Eaton Terrace]
New boilers at Eaton Terrace

More information
Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program (www1.eere.energy.gov/wip/multifamily_guidance.html) find HUD Multifamily Properties Eligible for Weatherization Assistance. Properties not on this list may still apply.

Energy Outreach Colorado (www.energyoutreachcolorado.org/geo_overview) Multifamily Weatherization Grant Program


Content Archived: October 24, 2013

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