HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 07-001
Jane Goin
(303) 672-5440
For Release
August 16, 2007

$46 Million provided to Hispanic Serving Institutions since 1999

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson today announced $6 million in competitive grants to 10 Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) to help revitalize low-income neighborhoods near their campuses and bring new opportunities to students and families living there. The grants which are administered by HUD's Office of University Partnerships range from $597,000 to $600,000. Two grants were announced for Colorado, including $599,176 for Otero Junior College (La Junta, Colo.) and $599,067 for the Trinidad State Junior College.

"These grants are investments in our future generations of great Americans," said HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson. "Not only will these funds help improve neighborhoods but they will help people and places by creating new jobs and economic opportunities in their communities."

HSI grants are awarded under HUD's Hispanic-Serving Institutions Assisting Communities program. Colleges and universities use the funding for a wide range of housing and community development projects such as; rehabilitating neighborhood housing for low- and moderate-income people, purchasing local property for community development purposes and helping neighborhood residents buy homes. In addition, the grants help to develop recreation, day
care or senior centers, promote neighborhood fair housing programs and support a variety of other community projects.

"Affordable housing, expanded economic opportunity, and community revitalization are vital necessities for Hispanic American families," said Dr. Darlene Williams, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research. "The Office
of University Partnerships is pleased to partner with these Hispanic-serving institutions because these grants ultimately assist in the effort to meet many of these needs."

Hispanic colleges and universities awarded grants this year are:

Heritage University
Otero Junior College
Los Angeles Trade - Technical College
Los Angeles Valley College
San Antonio College
Midland College
SBCCOES dba Trinidad State Junior College
Central Arizona - Pinal County Community College District
California State University - Long Beach Foundation
Foundation of California State University Monterey Bay

The HSIAC Program is one of several initiatives administered by HUD's Office of University Partnerships (OUP). Established in 1994, OUP is a catalyst for partnering colleges and universities with their communities in a shared search for answers to pressing urban problems. More information about OUP and its programs is available on the Internet.


Content Archived: March 15, 2011