HUD's Miami Field Office Responds to Hurricane Wilma

[Photo: Don Vargas and other HUD Miami employees delivered ice to hurricane-effected residents of HUD-subsidized housing]
Don Vargas and other HUD Miami employees delivered ice to hurricane-effected residents of HUD-subsidized housing

Hurricane Wilma came ashore near Naples, Florida, on October 24, 2005, causing widespread damage to the South Florida area including damage to over 500 HUD assisted housing units requiring relocation of hundreds of families. HUD's Miami Field Office staff worked diligently to provide assistance to relocate and assist these families and help the community begin the rebuilding process. The Miami Field Office coordinated with FEMA, state, and local officials to supply food, ice and power generators to needy families in HUD assisted housing. Coordination with HUD's other 3 field offices in Florida and with the Atlanta Region IV office was crucial in getting needed information and supplies.

Miami Field Office Disaster Recovery Teams were deployed to Monroe, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties to assess damage and provide technical assistance to local housing authorities and multifamily project sites. HUD staff also visited FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers to provide information on HUD disaster assistance programs and fair housing rights. Miami staff met with local officials to discuss options for utilizing HUD funds for disaster assistance.

Working together with local, state and federal partners, the Miami Field Office along with the Tampa, Orlando and Jacksonville Offices will continue to help Florida communities recover from this and future disasters.

Content Archived: July 8, 2011