White House Federal Agency Forum Addresses Economic Development

[Photo 1: (l-r) Mr. Todd Greene CECD (Director, Community Affairs and VP of Economic and Community Development Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta), Ms. Ana Harvey (Associate Administrator for Women Business Ownership, SBA), Mr. Ed Jennings, Jr. (Regional Administrator US Housing and Urban Development), Mr. Michael Blake (Associate Director, White House Office of Public Engagement), Ms. Beth Castro (Director, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Community Development Division), Ms. Janet Gordon (Sr. Policy Analyst, FDIC), Mr. David Hinson (Director, Minority Business Development Agency)]
Pictured from Left to right: Mr. Todd Greene CECD (Director, Community Affairs and VP of Economic and Community Development Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta), Ms. Ana Harvey (Associate Administrator for Women Business Ownership, SBA), Mr. Ed Jennings, Jr. (Regional Administrator US Housing and Urban Development), Mr. Michael Blake (Associate Director, White House Office of Public Engagement), Ms. Beth Castro (Director, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Community Development Division), Ms. Janet Gordon (Sr. Policy Analyst, FDIC), Mr. David Hinson (Director, Minority Business Development Agency)

National experts to include senior representatives from the White House and federal agencies such as U.S Housing and Urban Development participated in the White House Federal Agency Economic Forum in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on June 16, 2011.

The White House Federal Agency Forum was a part of the 2011 Florida Community Economic Development Summit held in partnership with the Florida Coalition of Minority Bar Association, Asian American Federation of Florida, National Hispanic Construction Association (http://www.nationalhca.com/), and over 90 Florida minority organizations. The 2011 Summit - Let's Do Business Florida focused on job creation and diversity in Florida minority communities.

"Today's economic challenges are another reminder of how important it is for us to instill the economic confidence and innovation that will encourage more investment and private sector job growth", said HUD Southeast Regional Administrator Ed Jennings, Jr. "This forum is an excellent vehicle to address those challenges and opportunities. We are making progress but there remains much work ahead of us."

[Photo 2: Region IV Regional Administrator Ed Jennings, Jr.]
Region IV Regional Administrator Ed Jennings, Jr.

The principle component of the economic forum focused on the Role of the Federal Government in Job Creation in Low-Moderate Income and Under Served Communities: The White House, Minority Business Development Agency and HUD - discussed the topic of the need for public services and resources in the context job creation in low-and-moderate income communities and successful approaches for addressing these needs.

The White House Economic Forum panelists explored federal efforts to support job creation development in low-and-moderate income communities. To include the challenges of access to community economic development capital for non profits that serve minority and underserved communities.


Content Archived: January 7, 2014