HUD and Habitat for Humanity Partner with Home Dollars!


[Photo 1: Signs at Stevens Creek]
Signs at Stevens Creek

Tampa Field Office
June 17, 2011

On January 28, 2011, representatives of Pinellas County, Habitat for Humanity of Pinellas County, the City of Clearwater and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development gathered for a celebration of Stevens Creek, a 51-home affordable neighborhood.

Pinellas County helped finance the land acquisition, the engineering and the site construction through a $1.425 million federal HOME Investment Partnership Program. The City of Clearwater contributed $600,000 from their share of the Pinellas County Housing Trust Fund toward the purchase of the land and $125,000 for the demolition of the former Homer Villas public housing apartments.

[Photo 2: Speaker lauding the success of the new project]
Speaker lauding the success of the new project

A few years ago, Homer Villas sat on this spot until it became physically unsuitable for continued use by the Clearwater Housing Authority. Former Homer Villas' resident Jacqueline Jackson had the unique opportunity of becoming the first of 51 homeowners in the Habitat Pinellas subdivision. This uniquely funded enterprise will be built house-by-house by Habitat volunteers and future residents.

Speakers lauded the success of the new project on the porch of what will be Jackson's new home, which is under construction. Prior to the event, the new homeowner was across the street, helping WorkNet volunteers build the model home which will be used to showcase available houses to potential homebuyers. As a former occupant of Homer Villas, Ms. Jackson was given first preference for occupancy, as will future buyers. Each of the homes in this subdivision will be offered at approximately $150,000 to qualified potential homeowners. The neighborhood is part of a wooded, tranquil community, close to amenities including a public school.

[Photo 3: Design layout of Stevens Creek]
Design layout of Stevens Creek

"This is a splendid location," said Frank Bowman, housing development manager for the Pinellas County Community Development Department. "This not only provides 51 affordable homeownership opportunities, it will serve to encourage revitalization in the area."

In many ways, this is a rebirth for both the property and for Jacqueline and her children. "With our Habitat home, our world will never be the same," said Jacqueline. "To live in a secure, well-built house created from the loving hands of all the volunteers, WOW! What a bright future we will have!"

[Photo 4: Gathered for a celebration of Stevens Creek]
Gathered for a celebration of Stevens Creek

HUD is proud to have funded, through its HOME program, the development of this 51-home affordable housing development for both previously HUD-assisted families and others who qualify to purchase a single family home in a revitalized neighborhood.


Content Archived: January 6, 2014