Coming soon to Sanford: Garden Square Apartments

[Sanford Mayor Jedd Triplett, Sanford community leaders, Orlando Housing Authority Executive Director and HUD Jacksonville Field Office Director join the groundbreaking ceremony for Georgetown Square Apartments, which will replace demolished senior housing Redding Gardens.]
Sanford Mayor Jedd Triplett, Sanford community leaders, Orlando Housing Authority Executive Director and HUD Jacksonville Field Office Director join the groundbreaking ceremony for Georgetown Square Apartments, which will replace demolished senior housing Redding Gardens.

Georgetown Square Apartments, formerly known as Redding Gardens, is set to begin construction on a 90-unit, four-story apartment complex. On March 28, 2019, the Sanford Housing Authority -- under the oversight of the Orlando Housing Authority -- conducted its official groundbreaking ceremony for the highly-anticipated affordable housing complex for low-income seniors.

Former residents attended the event and remembered the quiet neighborhood nestled in Sanford's historical black community of Georgetown. They loved the area, but the living conditions were deteriorating rapidly. Built in 1971, Redding Gardens was one of six public housing complexes demolished due to years of neglect.

In 2013, after cost analysis and feasibility studies estimated that nearly $11.8 million would be required to renovate the property, housing authority officials decided to demolish and rebuild. Many residents received vouchers to help pay rent at other self-selected properties but will need to reapply once the application process begins; however, officials say former residents will be given the first opportunity to move into the new Georgetown Square apartments. The $14.8 million project is expected to be completed by Fall 2020.

Sanford Mayor Jeff Triplett and City of Sanford Commissioner Kerry S. Wiggins joined the event, along with Sanford Housing Authority Commissioners Melvin Philpot and Dan Ping, as well as Orlando Board Commissioner Vicki Brooks and President for Orlando Housing Authority Vivian Bryant. HUD was represented by Jacksonville Field Office Director Alesia Scott Ford, and Public Housing Director Uche Oluku.


Content Archived: January 7, 2021