HUD Archives: News Releases

Bob Young
(404) 331-5001 ext. 2008
For Release
October 10, 2007

Funding to provide critical lifeline for thousands at risk for homelessness Georgia receives $954,974 for two Savannah Programs

ATLANTA - More than 2,200 persons who are living with HIV/AIDS and at high risk for homelessness will find a stable home and receive the services they need because of $32.1 million in funding awarded today by Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson. HUD grants will help 31 programs in 21 states to provide their clients
with three years of permanent supportive housing. Georgia received $954,974 for two Savannah Programs: City of Savannah (Daniel-Flagg Villas Project) - $269,278 and City of Savannah (Project House Call) - $685,696. (See attached description of both programs.)

The funding announced today is part of HUD's Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program.
Housing assistance and related services funded by HOPWA are a vital part of the comprehensive system of care for those living with HIV/AIDS. A stable home environment is critical for low-income persons managing complex drug therapies and potential side effects from their treatments.

"Having a stable home can make all the difference in staying healthy and living with this disease," said Jackson. "These grants will help provide more than just homes to thousands of families with HIV/AIDS who might otherwise
be facing homelessness."

In 2008, President Bush is seeking a record $300 million for HUD's HOPWA program, an increase of $14 million over current funding levels. These resources are expected to assist an estimated 70,500 households annually.

Ninety percent of HOPWA funds are distributed by formula to cities and states based on the number of AIDS cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HUD's formula grants are managed by 120 local and
state jurisdictions, which coordinate AIDS housing efforts with other HUD and community resources. This year, HUD
is making available a total of $286.1 million in HOPWA funds to help communities provide housing for this special
needs population.

HUD is providing $27.3 million to 27 existing projects and more than $4.8 million to support four new HIV/AIDS
housing programs. These projects indicate they will assist approximately 2,200 households. Combined, these HUD-supported programs will leverage an additional $41.8 million from other public and private sources to provide related services in assisting their clients, representing $1.28 for every HOPWA dollar awarded.


The following local projects are being funded through HUD's HOPWA Program. For a complete project summary of
the funding announced today, visit HUD's website.


State Recipient City
Alabama AIDS Alabama Birmingham
Health Services Center, Inc. Anniston
Arizona Pima County Tucson
California City of San Jose San Jose
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency San Francisco
Housing Services Affiliate- Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center San Francisco
Colorado Del Norte Neighborhood Development Corp. Denver
Delaware Delaware HIV Consortium Wilmington
Florida City of Key West Key West
Broward House, Inc. Fort Lauderdale
Georgia City of Savannah (Daniel-Flagg Villas Project) Savannah
City of Savannah (Project House Call) Savannah
Illinois Cornerstone Services, Inc. Joliet
AIDS Foundation of Chicago Chicago
Kentucky Kentucky Housing Corporation Frankfort
Louisiana Unity for the Homeless New Orleans
Massachusetts Action, Inc. Gloucester
Justice Resource Institute Boston
Maryland Health Care for Homeless, Inc. Baltimore
Minnesota Clare Housing Minneapolis
Nebraska Nebraska Health and Human Services Lincoln
New Jersey New Jersey Dept of Health & Senior Services Trenton
New Mexico Santa Fe Community Housing Trust Santa Fe
New York The Fortune Society New York
Church Avenue Merchants Block Association, Inc. Brooklyn
Oregon Our House of Portland Portland
Oregon State Department of Human Services Portland
Rhode Island Rhode Island Housing Mortgage Finance Corporation (Sunrise Project) Providence
Rhode Island Housing Mortgage Finance Corporation (New Transitions) Providence
Wisconsin AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin Milwaukee
West Virginia West Virginia Office of Economic Opportunity Charleston


The City of Savannah will receive a HOPWA renewal grant of $269,278 to continue the Daniel-Flagg Villas project involving ten units of facility based permanent supportive housing and ten households assisted with rental
assistance. The project supports chronically homeless persons living with HIV/AIDS in Savannah and Chatham
County. The housing effort offers on-site substance abuse and referral services for 150 persons. The project is a collaboration between the City of Savannah, Union Mission Inc., and the Chatham County Health Department.

The City of Savannah is awarded a second HOPWA renewal grant $685,696 to continue Project House Call, which provides support for operating six units of facility based permanent supportive housing, and short term rent,
mortgage and utility payments for 50 households each year along with other supportive services for clients within
the Savannah-Chatham AIDS Continuum of Care. The City of Savannah partners with Union Mission Inc., Georgia
Legal Services Program, and Hospice Savannah for delivery of services. For information contact:

Victoria Bertolozzi, Senior Program Analyst
or Michael Brown, City Manager
Office of the City Manager
P.O. Box 1027, Savannah, GA 31402
(912) 651-6520
Victoria Bertolozzi or Michael Brown.

For further information contact, Linda H. Allen, HUD Public Affairs, (404) 331-5001 ext. 2012.


Content Archived: March 15, 2011