Hawaii Announces Foreclosure and Fraud Prevention Campaigns

The State of Hawaii launches its awareness campaign to mitigate foreclosures and scams

[Photo 1: Rosalyn Baker speaking from poduim, accompanied by others]
Rosalyn Baker, Hawaii State Senator and Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Commerce and Consumer Affairs, highlights policies aimed at mitigating foreclosures and curtailing foreclosure scams. (L-R: Keali'i S. Lopez, Director of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs; Rosalyn Baker, Hawaii State Senator and Chairperson of the Committee on Commerce and Consumer Affairs; Bruce Kim, Executive Director of the Office of Consumer Protection; and Iris Ikeda-Catalani, Commissioner of the Division of Financial Institutions.)

On January 7, 2013, the Hawaii State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) held a news conference to roll-out its foreclosure and fraud information campaign. The multi-media campaign is designed to inform Hawaii's homeowners of their options for avoiding foreclosure and mortgage foreclosure scams. The media package includes television and radio messages, bus advertisements, and an online foreclosure clearinghouse: Hawaii Foreclosure Information Center.

The Director of DCCA, the Executive Director of the Office of Consumer Protection, the Commissioner of the Division of Financial Institutions, the Attorney General, and the Chairwoman of the State Senate Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection spoke on the need and benefits of the campaign. State legislators, representatives of the Hawaii Judiciary, HUD-approved housing counselors, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development were among the participants there to show their support. The broad participation represents the multi-faceted approach and ongoing coordination focused on curtailing mortgage foreclosures and foreclosure scams in Hawaii.

[Photo 2: Campaign awareness signs posted in TheBus, the City and County of Honolulu bus transit system.]
Campaign awareness signs posted in The Bus, the City and County of Honolulu bus transit system.

On the web, homeowners can find answers to questions and situations, can search for local and national contacts of organizations that can provide assistance with mortgage foreclosure. Locate a local HUD-approved housing counselor.

For more information on the mortgage foreclosure and fraud prevention campaign, please call (808) 587-3222 or (800) 394-1902 or contact DCCA's Hawaii Foreclosure Information Center (http://hawaii.gov/dcca/hfic)


Content Archived: February 3, 2015