Kaniko'o Affordable Housing

Kaniko'o on Kauai held a blessing on March 19, 2015, marking the completion of Phase I. The 60 unit affordable rental community is for seniors age 62 and older. It consists of 36 single-story, one and two bedroom units, and 24 one and two bedroom units in a two-story complex.

Kaniko'o is centrally located a few blocks from Lihue shopping centers, restaurants, and government offices. Residents moved into the units early March and all single story units are occupied.

[Photo: Red sidewalks and gray doors of building]
Red sidewalks and gray doors of affordable housing on Kaniko'o on Kauai

The complex is certified LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Gold and includes many green features and amenities such as Energy Star appliances, energy-efficient lighting, and water-saving fixtures.

The County of Kauai, EAH Housing, and Vitus Group partnered on the $14 million project. It took just over a year from groundbreaking to completion. The United States Department of Housing & Urban Development provided $1.25 million in HOME monies. Other funding was provided with Hawaii Housing Finance Development Corporation low-income housing tax credits, as well as County of Kauai general funds.

Occupancy is restricted to households at or below 60 percent of the Kauai median household income limits - one person, $38,300 and two people, $41,460. Phase II will add an additional 30 units upon completion.

Additional information on Kaniko'o can be found at http://www.eahhousing.org/


Content Archived: January 3, 2017