HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 10-40
Dale Gray
(913) 551-5542
For Release
August 26, 2010

$312 million awarded to 13 States through HUD's Disaster Recovery Enhancement Fund

WASHINGTON - U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Shaun Donovan today awarded $84.1 million
to the State of Iowa to reduce the human, physical, and economic toll of future disasters. The grants announced today are provided through HUD's Disaster Recovery Enhancement Fund (DREF), a total of $312 million in funding
that is intended to encourage states to undertake activities and long-term strategies that focus on reducing
damages from future natural disasters.

In the past two years, HUD allocated more than $5.6 billion in disaster recovery funding through its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to 13 states, including more than $642 million to the State of Iowa. The DREF was established to support the long-term recovery following dozens of natural disasters in 2008. As a result of having received CDBG funds for those disasters, these 13 states were eligible to receive additional allocations based on the significant investment they've made by targeting their CDBG funds to disaster mitigation.

"An ounce of prevention today can spare communities a world of hurt tomorrow," said Donovan. "We're making a serious investment in our future by making certain that when disaster strikes, the impacted communities in these states can weather the storm."

"This is housing money that is very much needed in Iowa and will be a shot in the arm to our recovery efforts following the 2010 floods," Governor Culver said Thursday. "While the assistance from HUD is important and needed, we will leave no stone unturned when it comes to asking our federal partners to help Iowa recover and rebuild safer and stronger than ever."

"I am proud of all that Iowa has accomplished to recover from the Floods of 2008, but more work must still be done and this funding is another step forward," said Congressman Dave Loebsack. "Together we have accomplished a lot, and with this infusion of funding I look forward to continuing to work toward Iowa's recovery and securing Iowa's future."

Disaster mitigation, like those that qualify for funding through the DREF, are a sound investment. According to an independent study by the National Institute of Building Sciences, every dollar spent on disaster mitigation activities saves taxpayers $4 in future disaster recovery expenses. The State of Iowa invested more than $316 million in disaster mitigation which translates into a total anticipated return on investment of nearly $1.3 billion ($316 million x 4).

The purpose of the DREF is to reward states that invested CDBG disaster recovery funding in activities that reduce risks from future disasters. HUD recognizes that while these types of activities are often more expensive in the
short-term, they dramatically cut recovery costs over the long-term. To help assist with the additional cost of mitigating future risk, DREF funds can be used toward projects meeting unmet disaster recovery needs, and those that include:

  • Buyout payments for homeowners living in high-risk areas;
  • Optional relocation payments to encourage residents to move to safer locations;
  • Home improvement grants to reduce damage risks (property elevation, reinforced garage doors and windows, etc.);
  • Improving and enforcing building codes; and
  • Developing forward-thinking land-use plans that reduce development in high-risk areas.

HUD is awarding DREF grants to the following states:

State DREF Allocation
Iowa $84,126,989
Texas $67,949,391
Louisiana $32,487,882
Florida $26,616,675
Illinois $23,517,970
Indiana $23,208,985
Wisconsin $15,276,319
California $15,000,000
Puerto Rico $12,000,000
Mississippi $5,438,712
Missouri $5,000,000
Kentucky $500,000
Georgia $480,000
Total $311,602,923


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes: utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet and


Content Archived: March 21, 2012