Firefighters Install almost 1,000 Smoke Detectors

[Photo 1: Firefighter installing a smoke detector.]
Firefighters installed nearly 1000 smoke detectors in one year.
[Photo 2: During CASDAP, firefighters visited 328 residences in Nampa.]
During CASDAP, firefighters visited 328 residences in Nampa.
[Photo 3: In addition to smoke detectors, firefighters also installed address numbers on 246 homes.]
In addition to smoke detectors, firefighters also installed address numbers on 246 homes.

During Nampa's Community Assisted Smoke Detector and Addressing Program (CASDAP), firefighters visit hundreds of residents in predetermined neighborhoods. As they go door-to-door, they ask residents to allow them to inspect their current smoke detectors, install new smoke detectors as needed, and install proper address numbers on the exterior of their home.

This project is funded with HUD's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.

In one year, 328 residences were contacted. A whopping 943 battery-operated smoke detectors were installed and 20 hard-wired smoke detectors were installed. In addition, 246 of these homes had address numbers installed.

Content Archived: August 15, 2011