HUD Archives: News Releases

Lee Jones
(877) 741-3281 ext. 5356
For Release
February 19, 2009


WASHINGTON - U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan today announced the Obama Administration is awarding $4,049,009 in grants to Idaho organizations to offer homeless individuals and families
a wide range of housing and support services. Last year, HUD awarded $3.9 million to homeless programs in Idaho.

Boise will receive $926,135 in Continuum of Care funds while the rest of the State will receive $2,589,834 in Continuum funds and $533,040 in Emergency Shelter grants. The State program will fund homeless programs in,
among other communities, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Falls, Lewiston, Moscow, Pocatello and Twin Falls. (Funding details below)

"With the foreclosure and unemployment crisis looming, millions of families - both homeowners and renters - are in danger of losing their homes so we must focus substantial resources to help those families find stable housing," said Donovan. "The grants being awarded today, along with the recovery plan's additional $1.5 billion, will offer a critical lifeline to those persons and families who, after a foreclosure or job loss, might otherwise be faced with
homelessness. Today we are announcing an unprecedented commitment to fund programs that have a proven track record of providing real housing solutions for our most vulnerable neighbors."

HUD's funding is provided in two ways:

  • Continuum of Care Grants provide permanent and transitional housing to homeless persons. In addition, Continuum grants fund important services including job training, health care, mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment and child care. More than $1.5 billion in Continuum of Care grants are awarded competitively to local programs to meet the needs of their homeless clients. Continuum grants fund a wide variety of programs from street outreach and assessment programs to transitional and permanent housing
    for homeless persons and families. There are two principal Continuum programs. The Supportive Housing
    Program (SHP) provides funds to develop supportive housing - including the acquisition or construction of
    housing - and supportive services to assist homeless persons in the transition from homelessness to
    independent living. The Shelter Plus Care (S+C) program provides rental assistance and supportive services
    on a long-term basis for homeless persons with disabilities such as serious mental illness, chronic problems
    with alcohol and/or drugs, and AIDS or related diseases and their families. The program allows for a variety
    of housing choices, and a range of supportive services funded by other sources, in response to the needs
    of the hard-to-reach homeless population with disabilities.

  • Emergency Shelter Grants provide funds for the operation of local shelters and fund related social service
    and homeless prevention programs. Emergency Shelter Grants that are allocated based on a formula to
    state and local governments to create, improve and operate emergency shelters for homeless persons.
    These funds may also support essential services including job training, health care, drug/alcohol treatment, childcare and homelessness prevention activities. By helping to support emergency shelter, transitional
    housing and needed support services, Emergency Shelter Grants are designed to move homeless persons
    away from a life on the street toward permanent housing.

This year, HUD launched a new electronic grant submission process called e-snaps. This new electronic system
allows applicants to store their submissions as they work on them and significantly reduces the time it takes HUD
staff to review these applications. It also saves considerable effort by avoiding burdensome and time-consuming
data entry. In the end, e-snaps will streamline and accelerate the process of awarding HUD grant to local homeless programs across the country.


HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities;
creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development, and enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the
Internet and

SHPR = Supportive Housing Program Renewal
S+C = Shelter Plus Care
(New) S+CR = Shelter Plus Care Renewal

Boise/Ada County Continuum of Care
Boise Cares SHPR $64,514
Coordinated Housing Options and Individualized Services SHPR $541,169
Landmark Project SHPR $7,696
Shelter Plus Care Region IV #1 S+CR $72,312
Shelter Plus Care Region IV #2 S+CR $102,912
Thatcher House SHPR $119,122
Threshold Crossing SHPR $18,410
Total: $926,135
Idaho Balance of State Continuum of Care
Arbor Cove Permanent Housing SHPR $131,250
Blue Haven Transitional Housing SHPR $116,378
Canyon County Transitional Housing SHPR $79,539
Clearwater Permanent Housing SHPR $66,402
Coeur d'Alene Transitional Housing SHPR $187,929
Community Crisis Housing SHP $193,128
CORE Lodge Permanent Housing SHPR $24,436
Eagle Pointe SHPR $154,350
Freedom LZ Transitional Housing SHPR $46,597
Homeless to Homeowner Transitional Housing SHPR $75,412
Idaho Falls Permanent Housing SHPR $81,435
Jefferson House Transitional Housing SHPR $30,135
KAMPS Transitional Housing SHPR $41,576
Lewiston Transitional Housing SHPR $76,054
Magic Valley Transitional Housing SHPR $49,488
Moscow Transitional Housing SHPR $81,735
Nearly Home Transitional Housing SHPR $55,840
Pocatello Transitional Housing SHPR $116,235
Project Warmth SHP $102,930
Region 1 Shelter + Care S+CR $107,508
Region 5 Shelter + Care S+CR $49,416
Region 6 Shelter + Care S+CR $70,632
Statewide HMIS SHPR $69,050
Statewide Shelter + Care S+CR $305,388
The ARK Transitional Housing SHPR $75,277
Trestle Creek Transitional Housing SHPR $75,967
Twin Falls Transitional Housing SHPR $44,208
Your Way Home Transitional Housing SHPR $81,539
Total: $2,589,834
ID Emergency Shelter Grant
ID State Program   $533,040
Total: $533,040
State Total: $4,049,009


Content Archived: March 11, 2011