Ron Hosking's Lifetime of Service Recognized

Congratulations go out to Ron Hosking, Regional Inspector General for Audit in Region VII/VIII. The Greater Kansas City Federal Executive Board recently recognized Ron as this year's winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award. This award honors one individual who over a sustained period of time (20 years or more) demonstrates a commitment to the highest standards of excellence and dedication in public service.

Taking the Office of Inspector General marching orders to heart - to eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse in federal government programs - has been Ron Hosking's focus for nearly 23 years. In doing so, he has continually brought credit to federal service and demonstrated a commitment to the highest standards of excellence.

Ron has orchestrated some of the most high-profile, highest dollar value audits in his agency. While managing audits in 10 states and three audit offices, he has overseen innovative, high impact audits that resulted in significantly improved efficiencies, economies, and effectiveness of government programs - while maximizing scarce government resources. During his tenure, Ron has received various awards and other forms of recognition, though he is more commonly known by his active advocacy for the recognition of his staff. He is a role model and outstanding mentor to his assistant regional managers. Ron's efforts have regularly proven fruitful as at least one of his staff has won a prestigious HUD-OIG national award in each of the past five years - these staff awards are certainly a positive reflection on Ron's ability to develop great staff and his drive for excellence.

Maximizing resources and giving staff what they need to get the job done and done well - that's Ron. He continually demonstrates a commitment to the highest standards of excellence, continuously working to eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse in federal programs. And, if there is a more efficient and effective way of doing business, Ron is in the forefront advocating for the improvement, even if he has to buck the system a bit or think way outside the box to get the right things done. He is certainly worthy of the Lifetime Achievement Award.

[Photo: Ron Hosking's Lifetime of Service Recognized]
Ron Hosking's Lifetime of Service Recognized.

Content Archived: August 24, 2011