Warm Clothes, Warm Hearts: Region VII Staff Collect Items for People Experiencing Homelessness

[FPM Region VII Management Analyst Trainee (and recent Presidential Management Fellowship Finalist!) Megan Wheeler, gathers the warm clothes donated by HUD staff in Kansas City.]
FPM Region VII Management Analyst Trainee (and recent Presidential Management Fellowship Finalist!) Megan Wheeler, gathers the warm clothes donated by HUD staff in Kansas City.

December is a time for holiday spirit where a sense of wonder and renewal fill the air as a new year approaches and brings new promise. With the difficulty of a global pandemic still so real for so many, the chance to unwind and rejoice safely has never been needed more. But for too many within our community, home is not a place where they will spend the holidays and the warmth is something that goes longed for in the brutal cold of a winter without shelter. Recognizing the urgent need in the area, FPM Kansas City regional office staff held a clothing drive at the regional office building, collecting items like coats, shoes, socks, hats etc. The effort supports a coalition of local shelters, outreach workers, and advocacy groups that assist those without shelter in the Kansas City metro area. The clothing drive was an immense success, and items were delivered to the City Union Mission’s Community Assistance Center on Friday, December 17th. A special thanks to Enrique (Rick) Shaw and Megan Wheeler for putting the event together and thank you to everyone who donated or helped! Happy Holidays!


Content Archived: January 24, 2023