HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 22-006
HUD Public Affairs
(202) 437-7073
For Release
February 17, 2022

HUD Announces Jose R. Davis as Kansas/Western Missouri Field Office Director

[HUD Announces Jose R. Davis as Kansas/Western Missouri Field Office Director]

KANSAS CITY - U.S. Housing and Urban Development Great Plains Deputy Regional Administrator Bruce L. Ladd, announced the selection of Jose R. Davis to serve as HUD Field Office Director for the state of Kansas and western Missouri beginning February 27, 2022. This announcement reflects an organizational structure update that adds a dedicated field office presence within the Kansas City Regional Office that aligns with Secretary Marcia Fudge's intent to foster more intensive and deliberate customer service with state and local partners.

As the Kansas/western Missouri Field Office Director, Davis will serve as HUD's liaison to mayors, city managers, county commissioners, elected representatives, state and local officials, congressional delegations, nonprofit groups, private entities, faith-based groups, and other interested stakeholders. He will be responsible for overseeing the delivery of HUD programs and services to communities and individuals, as well as, evaluating their efficiency and effectiveness.

"Jose brings a respected leadership style and an impressive operations and planning background, as well as an in-depth tenure leading the analyst team for the HUD Kansas City Regional Office," said Ladd. "He knows the Kansas and Missouri communities well and I have high expectations for him and know that he will work hard to enhance and accelerate the ongoing efforts and progress being made throughout the communities in this field office."

"It is with humility that I accept this position to serve the people and communities of Kansas and western Missouri," said Davis. "My focused determination is to work with our community partners and provide the opportunity for economic and housing mobility for all individuals, especially underserved populations. Promoting health and housing opportunities and delivering excellent customer service are essential to our HUD mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities, and quality affordable homes for all."

Davis most recently served as the Supervisory Management Analyst for the Kansas City Regional Office, supporting the Regional Administrator and Deputy Regional Administrator in implementing and coordinating community outreach and stakeholder engagements, customer service issues, departmental strategic goals, and secretarial initiatives. He led the development and tracking of performance measurements for the HUD Region VII Operating Plan which supports projects aligned to HUD's strategic goals, objectives, place-based initiatives, COVID-19 vaccination and education strategies, and other community-enhancing activities.

Prior to joining the department, Davis served nearly 30 years with the U.S. Army and the Kansas Adjutant General's Department. He served in a variety of command and staff positions; to include supporting international relations, providing emergency management support, and conducting training and deployments worldwide. He ended his uniformed career as the Director of Training for the U.S. Army's Training and Doctrine Command, Fort Leavenworth, KS.

Davis holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS; a Master of Science degree in Management from Baker University, Baldwin City, KS; and a Master of Strategic Studies degree from the U.S. Army War College, Carlisle, PA.

Davis and his wife Jackie have three adult children.


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
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Content Archived: January 5, 2024