More Kentucky Mayors Expected to Join the Mayors Challenge to End Veterans Homelessness

[Photo: Christopher Taylor, HUD Kentucky Field Office Director, appeals to the mayors of Kentucky to join the Mayors Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness in 2015]
Christopher Taylor, HUD Kentucky Field Office Director, appeals to the mayors of Kentucky to join the Mayors Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness in 2015.

Kentucky Field Office Director Christopher Taylor attended the Kentucky League of Cities Annual Conference and encouraged the group of mayors to commit to the Mayors Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness during 2015.

Over 350 mayors were provided a packet of information along with an invitation to join the cause to end veteran homelessness in Kentucky. Currently there are more than 600 veterans, which sometimes includes their families as well, who are living on the streets.

"There are so many resources available to communities to access to help end veteran homelessness including the HUD-VASH program in which HUD partners with the Veterans Administration," said Christopher Taylor. "Many times communities have the resources it takes to help this vulnerable population and can be a valuable partner to end this population of homeless individuals and families."

Following his presentation, Mr. Taylor invited mayors who support the cause to join him on stage for a "selfie." Many mayors were happy to join the cause and can be seen in the picture above.

At this time there are five Kentucky mayors who have already committed to ending veteran homelessness during 2015: Greg Fischer of Louisville, Sherry Carran of Covington, Edna Berger of Elizabethtown, Bruce Wilkerson of Bowling Green, and Jim Gray of Lexington.

Following this mass outreach, the HUD Kentucky Office hopes to add at least 100 mayors to that list.


Content Archived: August 8, 2016