HUD Kentucky Office Volunteers with Help Pack-a-Backpack

[Photo: Volunteers organizing the donated back to school items.]
Volunteers organizing the donated back to school items.

Written by: Deborah Knight and David Railey

Recently, HUD employees volunteered to help the Family Scholar House (FSH) in Louisville with their annual Pack-a-Backpack event. Each year, FSH hosts the Pack-a-Backpack drive and collects school supplies to ensure that all FSH students, both children and adults, are ready for the start of the school year.

In years past, HUD Kentucky employees have donated supplies, but this year the day was spent organizing a generous bounty of donations and setting up the event space.

At this time, 215 families with 319 children live on 4 Family Scholar House residential campuses in Louisville.

The Family Scholar House ( is for low-income single parents who are pursuing a higher education to become self-sufficient and offers them an array of support to do so and includes HUD subsidy for their housing.

"HUD is truly honored to be a part of helping these youth and adult students return to school with the supplies that they need," said HUD Kentucky Field Office Director Christopher Taylor. "We believe that giving our time and service to our community partners is the least that we can do."

Joining the volunteer effort from HUD was Deborah Knight and David Railey.


Content Archived: February 21, 2018