HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. KY10-003
Deborah Knight
(502) 618-8129
For Release
February 8, 2010


LOUISVILLE - The Louisville Field Office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) presented awards for excellence in management to several housing agencies at the Kentucky Housing Association Mid-Year Conference held February 7-10, 2010, in Louisville, Kentucky.

This year the Public Housing Authority (PHA) of the Year Award from among those PHAs in Kentucky managing 250
or more units was presented to the Housing Authority of Newport (HAN).

The HAN is a PHA with 541 units of public housing and also 550 Housing Choice Vouchers. Even with some of the oldest public housing units in Kentucky, the curb appeal is excellent and the annual unit inspection conducted by
HUD shows that the units are well maintained.

Newport Mayor Jerry Peluso stated, "For 60 years the Housing Authority of Newport has been committed to providing quality, affordable housing to the residents of Newport. The city of Newport and its residents have benefitted from the influx of new homeowners moving into the city and the addition of new construction or the rehabilitation of homes. This award recognizes the vision of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of Newport and the hard work and dedication of the staff that continually performs above expectations on a daily basis and always looks for new opportunities to provide quality housing."

The face of downtown Newport changed for the better with all the foresight, innovation and hard work of the staff
of the HAN in demolishing old barracks style public housing and dilapidated private housing and replacing it with new developments or completely refurbished older units.

Mr. Joseph Condit was executive director from September 2003 through December 2009. Mr. Thomas Guidugli
became executive director as of February 1, 2010. HUD is proud to announce the HAN as 2010 PHA of the Year.

The HUD Louisville Field Office annually recognizes superior program administration by presenting awards for Small
PHA of the Year for housing authorities with less than 100 units in management; Medium PHA of the Year for housing authorities with 100-249 units in management; Large PHA of the Year for housing Authorities with 250 or more units
in management; and, for Housing Choice Voucher Agency of the Year for rental assistance program administrators. One hundred and five PHAs compete for the public housing awards and 40 Housing Choice Voucher agencies compete for the rental assistance award. To be considered for the authority and agency of the year awards, the competing organizations must excel at property, financial and occupancy rate management. Awards are also given for Resident Initiative Program of the Year and Family Self-Sufficiency Program of the Year.

This year's award winners in each category included:

  • Large PHA of the Year - Housing Authority of Newport
  • Medium PHA of the Year - Housing Authority of Pineville
  • Small PHA of the Year - Housing Authority of Williamstown
  • Housing Choice Voucher Agency of the Year - Housing Authority of Paintsville
  • Resident Initiative Program of the Year - Louisville Metro Housing Authority-Lourdes Hall and Dosker Manor
    "SIT-UP Program"
  • Family Self-Sufficiency Program of the Year - Housing Authority of Glasgow


HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to sustaining homeownership; creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development ad enforces the nation's
fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet and


Content Archived: April 26, 2012