HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. KY17-002
Joseph Phillips
(678) 732-2943
For Release
November 30, 2017


LOUISVILLE - Carol Spencer, Director of the Public and Indian Housing Division in the HUD Kentucky Office, recently received the prestigious HUD Secretary's Special Recognition Award in Washington, DC as a member of the team that addressed issues regarding public housing in Cairo, Illinois.

As a member of the team Spencer and HUD team members spent months away from their own families addressing concerns with the public housing authority receivership and helping the public housing families often working 12-14 hours each day.

Her tireless commitment and those of her team members set a new standard for managing receiverships and provided extraordinarily services during the initial phases of mobility counseling for those affected public housing residents.

"I am so happy to celebrate this honor for Carol. She was an obvious choice to be part of this high-profile team," said HUD Kentucky Field Office Director Michael Browder. "Her stellar experience with troubled housing authorities coupled with her caring, compassionate way of serving residents and the staff of housing authorities makes her a true leader."

The other HUD team members include Jim Cunningham, Towanda Macon, Kimberly Wize, Grennetta Taylor, Lindsey Reames, Amanda Motyka, and Merilyn Brown.


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Content Archived: January 3, 2019