HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD Reg. VI 07-80
Patricia Campbell
(817) 978-5974
For Release
October 11, 2007

Funding to provide critical lifeline for those at risk for homelessness

FORT WORTH - More than 165 persons who are living with HIV/AIDS and who are at high risk for homelessness in
New Orleans will find a stable home and receive the services they need because of $804,912 in funding awarded today by Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson. The $31 million in HUD Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program grants announced nationally today will help 31 programs in 21 states
provide their clients with three years of permanent supportive housing.

HOPWA grants are a vital part of the comprehensive system of care for those living with HIV/AIDS. A stable home environment is critical for low-income persons managing complex drug therapies and potential side effects from their treatments.

"Having a stable home can make all the difference in staying healthy and living with this disease," said Jackson. "These grants will help provide more than just homes to thousands of families with HIV/AIDS who might otherwise
be facing homelessness."

Unity for the Homeless of New Orleans received an $804,912 HOPWA renewal grant to continue the HIV/AIDS component of its homeless support programs. The project provides 37 units of facility based housing and short-term rent, mortgage, and utility assistance and supportive services to 165 persons in New Orleans. Unity for the
Homeless will continue to partner with the New Orleans AIDS Task Force, Belle Reve, and United Services for AIDS Foundation in delivering support.

Ninety percent of HOPWA funds are distributed by formula to cities and states based on the number of AIDS cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Nationally, HUD is providing $27.3 million to 27 existing projects and more than $4.8 million to support three new HIV/AIDS housing programs. These projects indicate they will assist approximately 2,200 households. Combined,
these HUD-supported programs will leverage an additional $41.8 million from other public and private sources to provide related services in assisting their clients, representing $1.28 for every HOPWA dollar awarded.

HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities;
creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development and enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the
Internet and


Content Archived: March 11, 2011