HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD Reg. VI-08-99
Patricia Campbell
(817) 978-5974
For Release
December 1, 2008

Residents were receiving HUD assistance in six complexes in New Orleans pre-Katrina - These formerly HUD-assisted residents must call (877) 615-5566 by Dec. 31

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is funding Tenant Protection Vouchers (TPVs) for
the 375 rent-subsidized households displaced from the following apartment complexes as a result of Hurricane

  • Curran Place - New Orleans, LA
  • Dauphine - New Orleans, LA
  • Frenchman's Wharf I - New Orleans, LA
  • Frenchman's Wharf II - New Orleans, LA
  • Haydel Heights - New Orleans, LA
  • Josephine - New Orleans, LA

A TPV provides rental assistance to help families rent decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private rental
market. As long as households meet all eligibility requirements (similar to those of Section 8 Vouchers) TPVs may
be used in communities throughout the United States. Rent subsidized families residing in these six properties pre-Katrina and currently enrolled in DHAP, or DVP, are still eligible to accept this offer. TPVs provide permanent rental assistance, unlike DVP or DHAP.

In mid-November, certified letters were mailed to all 375 eligible households. "In the first two weeks, more than 50 households have accepted this offer," says A. Cynthia Leon, HUD Regional Director. "We hope that through word-
of-mouth we will reach all residents that received Project-Based rental assistance at these six apartment complexes on the day of the storm. TPVs will offer those families greater security than other housing assistance programs and will allow them to plan for their family's future."

Pre-Katrina residents living in units covered by a Housing Assistance Program (Project-Based Section 8) contract at Curran Place, Dauphine, Haydel Heights, Josephine, Frenchman's Wharf I, and Frenchman's Wharf II, must contact HUD by December 31, 2008, to remain eligible for a TPV. They can do so by returning the certification form included
in the November mailing, or by calling (877) 615-5566. This number is for eligible households only. Inquires can be
e-mailed to:


Content Archived: March 11, 2011